x. skinny dipping in the fountain of youth

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THERE ARE TONS of stories which Ilyarra has heard through the lengthy narratives of the lovely Stiles Stilinski whenever the two of them found the time to visit the other

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THERE ARE TONS of stories which Ilyarra has heard through the lengthy narratives of the lovely Stiles Stilinski whenever the two of them found the time to visit the other.

Right at the very moment that the girl confessed the type of creature she was, the male went full on panic about all the memories he could remember and instantly told her everything to ensure that she knew what and who to avoid when it came to supernatural business.

Ilyarra was not sure whether or not knowing the story about Derek Hale's brief history of de-aging was helpful for her situation. Because this time around, there was no Mexican temple to explain and reverse whatever fountain of youth this man – now turned boy – has been swimming in.

“Come on, it's been two hours,” the boy complained, poking his tongue inside his cheeks. “Don't you think it's enough time to gather some trust?”

Ilyarra, for the sixth time, shook her head, “Stay in your circle.”

She had been scrolling through her phone's contacts in hopes of landing on a name that could help her out. Both Stilinskis were out of the picture, she definitely did not want to let them know about this. There was also Jordan Parrish who she could call, but then stopped herself because it was clear that this was not the time to be losing any braincells. She could also try Scott, or any of his other pack members, but she had no means of communication with them. Her parents were too far away to even attempt any cry for help so she didn't waste any time on it.

“You know, for a huntress, you sure do take your time,” the fifteen year old Derek Hale commented, earning a bewildered look from the girl, causing him to explain, “You are a huntress, right? I mean, how else would you explain why you have Mountain Ash at your disposal?”

Derek heard the way her heart spiked at his words which she was quick to recover from. Was it her first time on the job?

“Do stop assuming things.” she said curtly, pocketing her phone as she proceeded to rummage through the books stacked on her shelves.

“Well you're not really giving me enough context as to why you just knocked me out cold and dragged me here just to trap me in a circle using Mountain Ash.”

Ilyarra grimaced at his words. In her defense, she panicked. Really panicked. Although that may not be enough to explain why she had to punch him that hard.

“I'm trying to help you.”

“This is called helping?” he scoffed.

“I'm helping you by not letting you run away.” And attack police officers like you did the last time. she finished in her head.

“This is a hostage situation!” Derek exclaimed, the girl waving a finger at him, “You don't know what you're talking about.”

“Is Mountain Ash really necessary?”

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