xi. this was not the family bonding that i wished for

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ILYARRA HAD TWO ways of coping to deal with stress

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ILYARRA HAD TWO ways of coping to deal with stress. The first one was to let it out using her tools as she'd mindlessly work on a project atop the magnetizing stump of the Nemeton. This option was believed by Piccolo to be the most normal one due to how it was calming for her. The man knew that when she settled for tinkering, it meant that her stress was based on something that was but a slow bother.

But the second one – the second one was more chaotic. It meant rummaging through cupboards, it meant noisy rants, it meant flour being spilled everywhere.

“Just how much flour does this house even have?!” Eli's hands flailed as he blinked incredulously at her.

“Quiet, Eli,” Ilyarra said without proper mind. “I'm thinking.”

“No, you're baking.” the boy corrected sarcastically.

“And I'm not complaining. Like at all.” Derek piped up as he took another bite.

If Piccolo Petrov had been there, he would have instantly known that his daughter was currently having an inner crisis. She had the knack to busy her hands when she was faced with pressure. But to bake in a messy manner, it meant real, panicked type of stress.

“Mother nature is going to kill me! Heavens have mercy, she is going to throw a fit! I didn't mean to! How was I supposed to know that he was going to wish something that went against the laws of nature?!”

Eli almost banged his head on the counter's surface as he listened to more of her rants. It hadn't been long before she started her baking frenzy and even then, there were more than six stacks of cookies being piled up on their plates. He knew he should at least help her calm down and stop her from further adding to the state of the kitchen which was becoming a winter wonderland. But he wondered if he could even do anything when he himself was still in the middle of processing her previous explanation about their dilemma.

“Please save my soul Sister Rose, Sister Lily, Aunt Cherry Blossom, Sister Daisy, Mother Poppy, Grandmother Freesia, Uncle Morning Glory, Niece Zinnia, Sister Dahlia . . .”

“Aren't those just a bunch of flower names?” Derek frowned, turning to Eli with his cheeks still full.

The boy ignored him, which was quickly becoming a habit, and finally stood up to approach Ilyarra who had her hands on a gesture of praying.

“Calm down.” he tried, wincing as she replied with an, “I am calm!”

Eli sighed, “Just breathe and we'll think about this together.”

It was surprising how he was suddenly the level-headed one here seeing as that title always belonged to Ilyarra. Though he was not used to her being all this anxious, he was sure she just needed a little push to finally relax.

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