vii. where cupid's arrow struck

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T’WAS NEAR MIDNIGHT as Eli Hale's body moved automatically without his consciousness being awoken

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T’WAS NEAR MIDNIGHT as Eli Hale's body moved automatically without his consciousness being awoken. The darkness brought by his closed eyelids was akin to the darkness beneath the shade of the woods. Only few slivers of light cascaded downwards whenever the leaves of the sleeping trees rustled, sending a slight dim to the endless shelter of the abyss.

His mind remained clueless to the happenings around him despite no sign of dreams visiting his slumber, the falls of his feet leaving sounds of disturbance to the fallen guards of nature. The creatures who were still awake peered curiously at him, intently gazing at the way any semblance of harm turned away from his form as a tantalizing mist of rosy hue seemingly protected his presence. Whatever nefarious plan any rabid animal had went instantly forgotten, hushed whimpers polluting the air as they bowed apologetically at the clear message sent by the divine friend of the forest.

As the boy's figure went deeper into the path, the usual small signs of waking appeared at his exterior, the lids of his eyes fluttering as he then drowsily opened them. His hands automatically circled his body, rubbing his palms up and down his arms as coldness now seeped into his pale skin. Yet even with the lack of article to keep him warm, he didn't halt his unknown trip to the woods, his legs swinging peacefully the way the ocean would let the waves guide their way to crash into shore. His face held not an expression of fear as he allowed the scene to happen, not an ounce of panic striking his handsome features as he bravely strode through the narrowing pathway which soon danced into an entrance towards a large clearing. The once glorious sight of rich thriving trees with greens went replaced by shaven looks of horror, no avian creature sent a chirp nor did any animal trample their paws near the area. It was a sanctuary of desolation that laid a huge stump in the middle with its roots reaching out in a manner that resembled the hands of sinners desperately clawing their ways out of the pyres of hell.

And for Eli, it was this perfect description that suited the single breathing presence sat atop the wicked remains of the tree.

She was the devil on her throne. Her horns nulled by the way the heavens bathed her with a halo showered by the shameless moon. Her lips stretched with crimson vile, her teeth gleaming with reflections of wrongs that encased her tongue of knives. More so, she represented a menacing siren, situated on her surface stone above the very waters that she would use to drown the men she enraptures as she sings her enchanting song of allure.

There were more things Eli could use to detail out what he was seeing. He was certain he'd be able to word how ominous Ilyarra Petrov appeared in front of him.

When in truth, he was just in denial at admitting that she simply looked pretty.

Without word, he set off to settle on the spot beside her, letting silence pass by with his ears catching the steady puffs of breath the girl was releasing. Her head was tilted upwards, eyes closed with serenity as she basked herself with whatever aura she could gather from the place of solitude.

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