xiii. should have seen the visible signs

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CHAOS. STRIFE. PAIN. Those three words overtook the mind of the faerie. It was on repeat, demanding attention from every bit of her being as she walked through the familiar hallways of Beacon Hills High.

“Did something happen to her?”

Derek, who was the recipient of the question, turned to Noah with a furrow. He glanced to where the man was gesturing off to, spotting Ilyarra who had been out of it ever since they left the woods. He had no clue that she went to the Nemeton because he was stopped by Eli – courtesy to the girl's plan to leave the two boys to wait from a distance due to how she didn't wish to possibly let Derek relive an awful memory of his past with the stump.

“I have no idea.” Derek admitted and shrugged. “But I do have a question. Is your phone buzzing?”

With a confused expression, the sheriff patted his pockets and felt for his device. “No. Why?”

“It's been going off for some time now.” he answered.

Though, he left it be, seeing as the girl appeared to not want any disturbance as she succumbed deeper to her train of thoughts. He was worried. But he knew nothing could beat Eli's worry once he saw her approach them in the woods. His concern only heightened when he realized the far look on her face, like she had heard something she was never meant to.

Noah cleared his throat to at least catch one of their attention, “So what's your plan?”

“Plan for?”

“I drove you all the way here because you wanted to persuade the coach to let your so— cousin play. How do you plan on doing that?” the sheriff explained.

Right. the boy thought.

“Just, uh, ask . . . him?” Derek scratched his nape.

“Just ask him? That's your plan?” Noah scoffed. “You think that'll work?”

“It'll work. I've had my fair share of experiences.” he confidently waved him off.

Shaking his head, the older of the two sighed in defeat.

“And what about Eli?”

“He will not get to say a single word,” Derek turned to the man with a scheming grin. “That's where you're coming in, pops. Distract our dear Eli, who currently has no clue that we're here, while Ilyarra and I deal with the bigger man.”

“So you get the bigger man and I get the boy?” Noah asked rhetorically. “Don't you think this bigger man would be more accepting of the words from another bigger man?”

“I am a bigger man!” Derek countered.

And for the second time, Noah sighed.

If only he didn't respect his older variant too much then he wouldn't have agreed to this proposal. He certainly should owe him one once he gets back to his adult self.

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