xii. like father like son, like lacrosse like basketball

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MORNING PASSED QUICKLY for the two males who resided at the Hale household

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MORNING PASSED QUICKLY for the two males who resided at the Hale household. The house was quiet, free from the stress of any noises. Albeit, there was an undeniable rowdy sound that disrupted the peace, its source coming directly from their spacious backyard.

So like basketball?

Eli sighed at the other boy, “I already told you no. I'd be more accepting if you say it's more similar to hockey.”

Both of them each carried a stick with a net by its ends, a ball placed inside Eli's. Seen from beside them was a makeshift goalpost.

“You take the ball with your stick,” Eli instructed, “run to the goal,” he swung his arms backward and then hit the air. “then shoot.”

“So like basketball but without the stick?” Derek asked and quickly added to his words before the other could answer. “Shooting balls to goals that has nets to them.”

“Yeah but both are entirely different from each other. Why do you keep insisting that they're the same?”

“Because they are.”

“They're not!” Eli huffed in exasperation.

“Does lacrosse require running?”

“I know where you're going with this, I'm not stupid.” he retorted in annoyance. But seeing the persistent look on Derek's face, he sighed. “Yes.”

“And they also need stamina?”

Eli closed his eyes in misery. “Yes they do.”

“Then it's like basketball!”

“That's stupid. All sports require those things!”

“Sports like basketball.” he hummed in triumph.

Derek found immense amusement to the boy's frustrated state and despite Eli wanting to strangle him, he couldn't help but laugh along with how dumb their topic was.

The scene was refreshing. Like the recent events from yesterday never truly happened. It surprised Eli that he felt unbothered by what usually irked his entirety. He should've been upset about last night but he didn't. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe it was something else that helped him get over it as if it was nothing. And for now, the two were having a go at lacrosse which was sparked by Derek who asked about his stick.

“Best of three?” Derek questioned out of nowhere, a cocky smirk on his lips.

Seeing it, Eli's exterior turned slightly serious, “Make that five.”

Meanwhile, inside the house beside their own was Ilyarra and Noah. She had been early to rise that day because her mind couldn't rest knowing that there was a mess. And anyone who saw her kitchen last night would awe at the now spotless room. It seemed like a miracle. A miracle along with her visibly clean arms.

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