iii. breathing in forest fires like incenses

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FOR SHERIFF STILINSKI, nothing was more calming than the fresh scent of those delectable goods that always eased his nose away from stress

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FOR SHERIFF STILINSKI, nothing was more calming than the fresh scent of those delectable goods that always eased his nose away from stress.

Who would have thought that he'd actually find solace in the most unexpected thing in the world; cookies. But in his defense, they weren't just cookies. They were cookies created specially by Ilyarra Petrov. He was unsure how he managed to drag himself to this small surprising addiction, or what even caused such phenomenon to occur in the first place. Noah Stilinski only ever cared about one fact.

And it was how delicious the cookies were.

Don't get him wrong however, he really does have a passionate affection for the savory pastry. But handling the topmost position in his workplace, he was tasked to stay professional at all cost. And though he was inches away from curling his fingers onto one of those tempting delights, he used every bit of restraint to channel his emotions to a single cough.

"Should I ask?"

The recipient of the message pivoted on her heel, her wild mane bouncing as she preciously beamed at the man.

"Oh, you surely can, Mr. Sheriff! I mean, all of us are allowed the right to question after all."

"Would there be a reason why a lady like you is here in the middle of a crime scene?"

He really shouldn't have expected a proper answer.

"Mother nature is in quite distress," Ilyarra frowned. "So I decided to give my proper respects to the poor unfortunate."

The sheriff could only nod at her.

If she tells him it was mother nature who sent her then it will be dang mother nature who sent her. Because no matter how many times he's had to think deeply before he slept about who in the world that person could be or if she was even a person at all and not just some mythical name everyone's been using to call earth, he just couldn't put his finger in it. It was better to just accept it than argue fruitlessly.

So he joined her little adventure as she swayed on her little black dress and neared one of the crisp trees covered with soot and burns. Her delicate hands took out flowers from the beautifully woven basket she was carrying and gently placed them on the foot of the stump. The sheriff waited until she finished her silent ritual and watched as she proceeded to take out the-

"Hold on. Are the cookies really necessary?"

The slight panic in his tone went unheard.

"Well, they are part of paying respects, yes." she answered.

No way would the sheriff actually waste his most favorite treat like that. Not when he considered it to be a heavy sin.

Gingerly, he took the basket in his own hands while nodding at the girl. "I'm sure mother nature would agree that these wonderful goods would be better served elsewhere."

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