belle santorini

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~ spotify rec: summer child by conan gray ~

This is the story of Belle Santorini,

A girl whose soulmate is just as damaged as she is, a girl who hopes to live a life for herself, a girl who just wants to be happy.

(cringe ik)


The rain pattered against my window creating a relaxing rhythm, it was actually quite soothing but either way I'm a light sleeper so it woke me up.

I groan of tiredness as I groggily stretch over towards the side table beside my bed to check my phone for the time. I reach my arm out to tap the screen of my phone but as soon as I look down at it my eyes flutter to try to adjust to the glowing lucent brightness that was shining through the phone

Shit I forget to dim my phone

I rub my eyes, still feeling dazed however I go to check my phone again and this time I read the time, 2:49am.

'for fucks sake of course I wake up at the most ungodly time of the bloody day'

I yawn and stretch as I am no long tired and I have the urge to go for a drive because let's face it I feel like absolute dog shit and for some reason driving in my car, probably going over the speed limit makes me feel a little less like dog shite.

I trudged over to my bathroom, making sure my steps were light so I wasn't heard. I went to turn the shower on and my face turned into a grimace as I heard how loud the water dripping onto the bath sounded. I held breath not daring to make a sound as I stalled for a good few minutes listening out for the sound of someone awakening. No one did. I let myself breathe out and I was alleviated of the pure anxiety that I felt just a second ago.


As I slide out my car keys from my pocket and hear the clicking noise the car makes when it unlocks , I hear a raised voice shouting out the window of my house. I turn a deaf ear to it and put in my air pods one by one, blasting my music at top volume so I can tune out the shouting, the yelling, the abuse, the constant nagging of my brain. Unfortunately, no matter what I do I cannot drown out the enraged yells of my father screaming out the window at me. I sigh dolefully and I gingerly take out one air pod to try to understand the muffles of shouting of what my father is saying.


He continues to yell and yell or have a fully grown man tantrum as I like to call it. I drive my car hastily off the drive as I can't deal with his chaos right now, so I put my air pod back in and drown him out like I've done all my life.

Truthfully, I don't know what I did before I had my car because this is my only way of escaping him, escaping reality . I saved up all my money since I was eight years old to afford it, I never went shopping with school friends or got sweets after school instead I saved and saved for a day I knew I would need it. It still wasn't enough though so I got three jobs to pay for it. It's worth it though. My car, my air pods and spotify they are the only things worth it.

I pull in to a nearby car park for my local playground so I can just sit and think clearly without my brain being clouded.

I stare out the window and at the playground that lies in front.

it's so different at night. it has sort of an eerie but  comforting, homely feel to it

I used to take my brother to this playground and hear his infectious, joyous laugh while going down the slide. I smile fondly at the wistful reminder of my memories.

My phone flashes and IU hear my ringtone, I see the name 'Freya 💓' pop up.


She's been my best friend since nursery but we have been long distance since then as her aunt Dahlia moves her around a lot. We were only with each other for a few years until she moved, we were filled with despondency at the thought of losing each other, we had a bond like no other girls our age.

Now she's older though she has a bit more freedom and visits me whenever she can but her aunt is still very strict so most of the time that we meet up her aunt is staring us down, watching Freya's every move like a hawk.

Freya has always been the one that never abandoned me and was always a hand for me to hold when things got tough. We lifted each other up. When I fell into a very depressive episode last May, she came to visit me at the hospital to cheer me up and provide a glimmer of hope for me and whenever she was having a hard time dealing with the absence of her family I would support her unconditionally and make her laugh.

~ Her family isn't dead. I know it sounds that way but apparently they're not. Her Aunt Dahlia told her that they abandoned her when she was two years old and they didn't care for her so she selflessly took Freya in as her own. To be honest I don't know whether Freya believes that and neither do I, I mean your own family dumping you?? And plus Dahlia is more of a wicked step mother than a selfless Aunt. But there is no other explanation really so we just have to believe it for now.

(Backstory ends)

I answer the phone hurriedly and put it up to my ear

"I FOUND MY FAMILY", Freya exclaimed.

That was the first thing I heard from Freya's clearly over joyous voice but then it went crackly and I could tell her end of the call was losing signal so I asked her to explain quickly because she was breaking up.. She managed to utter a few words in a hasty murmur.


the phone went dead.

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