three years later..

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Third person:
Three years ago when Klaus left he left for good. He couldn't stand being near his siblings if they were mad at him and for some reason he was distraught about the death of the human. He ran away to California to pursue a quest. He brought Belles body in a coffin with him. It felt good to have her by his side.

Klaus is in a car. Driving into Mystic Falls, Virginia..

Belle had been in an unconscious state for three years. However she was awake in her head, she heard the occasional talk from Klaus and the people around him. She found out the truth about him. That he was a, a vampire. At first she was devastated that she let such a bad person, a villain comforted her and wormed his way into her life. But after three years of hearing him, watching him, observing him she realised how hard it is for him. he never asked for any of this? i mean that's what she told herself. she had learnt that someone had to turn you into a vampire so he must've gotten turned by someone. she felt bad for him after a year of hating him. At times she wanted to comfort him but she couldn't, she was dead to him, literally.

Klaus POV:
i'm on the way to mystic falls to complete the transition that my family denied me of. i'm here to get my hybrid form activated to make me the most powerful original that has ever lived.

Belles POV (inside her head):
Previously, I had heard Klaus talk about a ritual to become the "hybrid" but i wasn't quite sure i knew what that was i mean i was just coming to terms with the whole vampire thing. I did want the best for Klaus after all he was the one who was by my side even thought i'm technically dead . However this ritual had a lot of innocent lives that had to be sacrificed and i wasn't okay with that i mean i can accept he's a vampire but these people didn't do anything to him. He didn't have to kill these people for blood to survive he was killing them for his own personal gain and that did not sit right with me. i had to do something.

Klaus POV:
I arrived in Mystic Falls and i stepped out of the car to breathe in the familiar smell of my hometown, where it all started. I compel a nearby passer-by to carry my bags in and i carry the coffin myself as i do not trust anyone with her.

Once i make sure her coffin is safe i get to business, I need to find Elena Gilbert immediately.

Belles POV:
i need to get out of this trance i need to help those people.
i focus hard on getting out. i breathe in and out again and again. i feel an immense surge of power inside me, i channel it and i push and push until...

I'm out. I'm out of the coffin. im alive.

3rd person:
While Belle gets used to her body again and goes off to find the people she is determined to save, Klaus is getting his witch to perform a spell to disguise him. He chose a vampire hunter but also Elena Gilbert's history teacher and aunts boyfriend, Alaric Saltzman to change into. In his mind it would be perfect as it was someone close to the family but was also trusted by the Salvatores. He had done a lot of research for this day.

Meanwhile, Belle was walking and walking until she came across what looked like a school, she entered it hoping to find the people she was looking for however she only knew them by their names so she didn't even know who she was looking for.

She walked into the girls bathroom to check she looked okay. As she was observing herself in the mirror a smiley blonde girl noticed her.

"hey! are you new? i haven't seen you around before" exclaimed the blonde girl.

"heyyy, yeah i moved here recently it's my first day" , i lie "my names Belle, Belle Santorini"

I stretch my hand out towards her to shake her hand
She takes my hand and shakes it back.

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