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I stared longingly at the sky, admiring the pretty oval of the full moon tonight.

It was fair to say I had a few too many drinks.

My head felt groggy and disoriented, my head was pounding at an extraordinary pace.

I didn't care.

It felt I had been running for the whole night, my heart burned, my mouth dry, my feet aching.

I needed to breathe, I needed to inhale fresh air into my lungs to rejuvenate myself into a clearer minded, peaceful soul.

No matter how much I heaved air in and out of my lips, my mind remained foggy.

I grew frustrated.

I was Belle Santorini, I could do anything. I bent the mind of an original forcing them to accept the lies that spun from my tongue. I overpowered a five hundred year old vampire with no strain at all.

I was powerful.


The street surrounding me was quiet, dull even.

However even I have to admit, it was breathtaking, the stars shone reflecting the moons gaze.

I placed myself in the middle of the road. I was not scared. No car could damage me. I would damage the car.

I allowed myself to bask in the moonlight, swaying from side to side. It was soothing.

I felt the levitating feeling of my hands growing warmer, heat blooming from my palms.

I didn't need to do magic right now, there was no need to summon the power into my hands. But I craved the control that came with it. As much as it felt out of control, there was nothing that could happen that I could not do. I had the power.

Pain, anger, lust used consumed me now I relished it.

From the moment I turned eleven and first held a razor to my thigh, from my first drunk haze at fourteen, from my overdose at thirteen, I had been in pain. 

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