love and lust

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Lust ~ a passionate or overmastering desire or craving. a yearning desire.
Love ~ deeply committed and connected to someone. A bond that two people share. an intense deep affection for the person.
  Loves for the sake of loving. Has no desires or needs. Dissolves boundaries and separation. It is it's own reward.

Klaus Mikaelson has never felt true love before. In his a thousand years on this earth he has felt many things betrayal, rage, fear, even lust but never love. Of course he has his love for his sibling but even that is not the strong love he has always craved. Not that anyone would know he craved it.

    All he knew was the love he wanted was not the love he was taught. He would not be a Mikael to an Esther and he would not be an Esther to a Mikael. he would not be his parents.

He feared love as much as he craved it. The passionate adoration for another person so great that you would die for them scared Niklaus. But the thought of someone feeling so passionately about him, seeing the good inside, seeing the young boy that was turned away from his fathers love, seeing the victim inside the villain he had become. he couldn't help but yearn for that.

Niklaus Mikaelson wanted a love that consumed him. he wanted chaotic, mad, passionate love that would completely take over him. he wanted unpredictable he wanted crazy love. he just didn't know how to admit to that.

Klaus POV:
I am in my study wrapping a journal in silk for belle when Elijah walks in. He sees what i'm doing and looks sternly at me.

"Niklaus, what is going on between you and miss Belle? I've never seen you this intrigued in someone especially a mortal before"

I look at Elijah slightly annoyed but i smirk at his attempt to guide me anyways

"Dear brother i am simply intrigued by her it is nothing to worry about just curiosity"

Elijah rolls his eyes at me and i can tell he does not believe me. His eyes are searching for answers that he does not know on my face, any signs that i am lying or any emotion. All he can see is my amusement for his stern words but he continues anyways.

"The way you look at her. Thats the look of love Niklaus i'm not blind and neither is Freya. I do hope you will think about our sister Freya while you hit on her best friend. Do not mistake love for lust Niklaus"

My older brother then swiftly walks away after basically telling me off. I do not take getting told what to do kindly.

I scowl but then i smile at the thought of my dear Belle receiving this gift. I have some priorities to do but i'll make sure this gets to her i'll compel a servant to give it to her.

I dip my pen into ink and begin writing a note in the front page of the book.

Elijah doesn't know what he's talking about i do not love and i am not mistaking anything for lust.

Authors note: idk if this is any good i'm just bored sorry it's so short and i hope your enjoying this so far!!

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