mind spells

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I felt a harsh stabbing feeling pierce through one side of my chest, the side my heart was on. I yelped out in pure agony. My body lurched over, allowing spits of puke to come falling out my mouth.

Bonnie ran towards me with a scruffy rag whilst I gagged from my puking episode. The invisible wound inside me was killing  me.. My hands gripped my chest tightly.

I glanced down towards my torso to study the part of my body that was so painful. There was no scarring, bruise or incision. My gaze shifted towards the witch who was staring at me sympathetically from the corner of the room, she gave a small comforting smile to me. I winced as I used all my remaining strength to pull my legs towards the brunette witch, an excruciating pain still burning a whole through my chest.

I pressed my palm on my forehead, feeling the warmth of it radiating back onto my hand.

"Bonnie, what happened, why does it hurt?", I whispered hoarsely.

The witch just stared back at me cluelessly before saying under her breath,

"I-I don't know"

Rage boiled up inside of me, I felt it in my lungs. Along with the pain of the gaping void I felt in my chest, the rage and pain mixed and turned into power.

I whipped my head towards the cowering witch that stood trembling before me. I liked how she was scared.

Within an instant my hands were gripping her neck, I could feel her pulse beating, I could hear the blood pumping, I watched as her breaths slowed as my hands tightened around her neck.

I found myself putting my lips up close to her ear,

"Next time, you will know", I murmured threateningly before releasing my hands carelessly, letting the witch fall to the floor.

I sighed . Then my eyes fell to the floor where I saw the burnt ashes of Lethes Bramble. I scooped the remaining dusts of them in my head and observed them closely.

Someone must've performed some kind of memory spell on me, that would explain the bramble ashes. I turned towards Bonnies unconscious body, I blew at the ashes in my hand and they flew towards the witch on the floor.

I watched as they disappeared as they touched her body, removing any memory of what just happened from her mind.

And she calls herself a powerful Bennett witch please , I'm a newbie and even I am stronger than that pathetic excuse for a supernatural.


I woke up from the sun beaming through the blinds of my window and my phone going off a million times a second because Caroline woke up and chose to disturb my precious sleep.

Nonetheless, today was going to be a good day. Yes I felt completely weirdly empty and like I was missing something but other than the internal hole in my heart, it was pretty freeing. I don't know what memory spell was cast on me, all I know was it had to be a pretty powerful witch to be able to curse me, I can resist compulsion not a lot of witches can do that.

It wasn't just the memory loss that was different about me, I had lost all care in the world for the people around me. It's like I no longer put up with peoples crap or putting them first, it was me first and I will kill anyone who stands in my way.

Yet again that feeling was quite freeing to be honest.


And there I was, stood in the middle next to Caroline, Elena and Bonnie outside our school. We just stood there, standing there, staring at the building like bafoons.

"Here we are, Senior Year", Caroline proclaimed just not in her usual chirpy tone, more of a dispirited tone.

Even in my non caring state, I still wanted to be there for my friend. I nudged her elbow comfortingly, and she turned to me giving me a shy smile.

I linked arms with Caroline and Elena, leaving Bonnie out because I was still petty over last night, not that she remembered it - I chuckled to myself quietly.

"Cmon, let's go in and get it over with, we are seniors after all!", I encouraged.

We strode into the entrance and I personally feel on top of the world, bubbling with confidence.

All of a sudden, Elena halts to a stop. Me and Cares heads turn towards her concerned, noticing she had been quiet this whole time.

She stares lifelessly back at us before muttering under her breath.

"Todays our anniversary, technically Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year"

I'm not too empathetic towards Elena, it was just a stupid boy.

"awhh honey", I reply clearly uninterested.

Caroline however crouches down to Elena and grasps her hands.

"Are you sure you wanna be here today?", she asks Elena.

"I have to be here, I have to put it behind me. New year new life.", Elena states but I can see the tears emerging from her eyes as she smiles.

She walks away before we can say anything else.


I'm standing by the lockers, applying what seems to feel like the thousandth layer of lipgloss today when I see a familiar chiselled jaw.

Just as I was about to stroll over to him, he spots Elena and walks nimbly towards her.

As I step closer to the two of them, I eavesdrop in on their conversation,

"Klaus wants me to keep an eye on you, I'm just doing what I'm told..", I hear Stefan say to Elena.

Klaus? Why does that name ring a bell?

I strut over to the brunette and lean my head on her shoulder, she immediately notices my presence and looks a bit more relieved.

Stefan shoots me a dirty look before walking the opposite way.

I turn to Elena,

"Whose Klaus?", I ask blankly

She returns my question with a bewildered look on her face.

"Belle you know Klaus? You saved my life from him literally two days ago?",

I grab her hand, maybe a little bit too aggressively.


My brain tries to process the information, trying to think of anything that links to the name Klaus or me saving Elena or anything to do with two days ago.

My mind is bare.

A/N: Unedited, sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'd appreciate it if you check out my new book, "tell me we weren't just friends". Thankyou so much for all the support 💓

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