the sacrifice

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Authors note: woah this is my longest chapter so far. It kinda goes along the tvd storyline but then it changes idk. I do not think this makes any sense to be honest and i think i'm quite repetitive so i'm very sorry but yk it's creative!! I WAS LATE TO SCHOOL WRITING THIS SO I HOPE ITS GOOD!! ENJOY MY LOVES <33

Belle POV:
My head rests on Klaus' shoulder whilst my arm is intertwined with his. We are walking towards a forest and we come across a clearing. There are three circles drawn in white chalk overlapping each other.

I inspect Klaus curiously to see if I can get any answers from his face. His face remains blank until his expression turns smug. I turn towards where he's looking.

I see a young girl with curly black hair and a deadpan look on her face, walking towards him, I sense a sort of powerful aura coming from her.

She greets him and he slips out a something from his pocket and hands it to her.

It was some sort of crystal or stone? I study the bluey white adularescence of it and I admire its beauty although I don't understand the reasoning for Klaus giving it to this girl.

I feel a pang of jealousy inside me for some reason, at the thought of Klaus giving something of that much beauty to another girl. However I'm snapped out of my delusions by the sound of a voice,

"I spent five hundred years looking for this, I hate to part with it", Klaus explained while glancing nostalgically at the moonstone in her hand. He nods to her to signal that it is time. She nods back in understanding.

The girl begins chanting something and the circles light up with fire. She's reciting some kind of spell which seemed to be charged by the moonstone?

She's a witch.

Suddenly my eyes become clearer and I see that the circles are not empty. There's a girl in each circle.

Two of the girls are kneeling over in agony, they are wailing and choking on their own breath uncontrollably.

I look over to Klaus whose delighted at their pain. His arm is still intertwined with mine and I push him away in disgust.

I look over to the third girl and she's standing up she doesn't seem to be hurt physically but she's still leaning over whimpering in distress and misery.

It was Elena.

Third person..

Belle called out despairingly to Elena who was focused on conferring with the two other women in the neighbouring circles. She was urgently trying to catch Elena's attention to attempt to help her, but before Belle could say anything Klaus covered her mouth with his hand dominantly to silence her. He looked fiercely at her.

He held her still by gripping her arms despite her squirming , he made intense eye contact with her. His pupils grew larger and he began to compel her.

"you will not make a sound. you will sit here quietly. you will not interfere with my plans. you will only move when I tell you too"

Belles throat felt like it was closing up, her eyes became glossy and a single tear dropped down her face before she sat down emotionlessly and didn't say a word.

Klaus tried to rub her back in an attempt to comfort her but she pushed his hand away stubbornly.

He stared at her sorrowfully before walking towards the witch chanting.

One of the women that was talking to Elena was struggling significantly. She was fighting to get out of the fire circle. Klaus noticed her and looked at the witch for approval before speeding towards her and grabbing her violently.

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