the dance

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Authors note : I know this is what Elena wore but it's cute so now Belles wearing it to the dance :)))

Authors note : I know this is what Elena wore but it's cute so now Belles wearing it to the dance :)))

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Belles POV:

After the eventful time at lunch, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline said they were going to skive off the rest of the afternoon to get ready for the dance and they graciously invited me with them,

 which I willingly accepted since I had no where else to go seeing as I just escaped a coffin n all . I learnt that we were going to Elena's boyfriends Stefan's house.

  When i walk in the house I see who i presume is Stefan and then my eyes are drawn too Mr Saltzman and a dark haired man talking in hushed voices. Mr Saltzman catches my eye first and then Damon and Stefans eyes follow.

  Stefan runs up to embrace his girlfriend while the mysterious man walks up to me, Caroline and Bonnie.

The man pulls my hand and kisses it. I raise my eyebrow at his attempts to flirt and I giggle at how cringey it was. my mind flashes back to when Klaus did the same thing

  "who are you then mr cringe?", 

 i say flirtatiously

"Damon Salvatores the name m'lady" ,

he flirts back

Caroline shoves him with her elbow and he takes offense humoursly.

"Damon just shutup we have bigger things to talk about likeee "

Damon shuts up and i can see Mr Saltzmans eyes widen at their conversation. 

   Caroline leads me upstairs to pick out an outfit for the 60s dance.  She leads me to a closet that was quite literally named '60's clothes' . I pick out a beautiful purple mini dress that was utter perfection . Me and Caroline squeal in excitement as we examine the fun design and patterns on it.

Once Caroline leaves me alone to get dressed i hear a knock on the door.

"come in"

 i yell hastily whilst i pull the dress onto my body. I'm looking in the mirror seeing how well it fits when Mr Saltzman walks in.. 

He stares my body up and down and then gazes into my face, staring into my soul.

"uhm mr saltzman?", i break the awkward tension

"call me Alaric love.."


"umm okay Alaric what do you need?"

Alaric takes some steps towards me and he once again observes my body and my face carefully. He twirls a strand of my hair with his finger and lightly pushes it out of my face..

"i just wanted to tell you to be careful tonight, that Klaus guy is ( he hesitates and takes a deep breath )  dangerous.."

he whispered into my ear almost seductively.

I glance at him disgusted at his attempt to pretty much seduce a girl much younger than him.

"I'll be fine thanks?" and with that I storm out the room without turning back

what a fucking nonce , i think to myself.

2 hours later:
Damon insisted on walking me into the dance so he put his arm around mine and started walking into the dance hall . We were joined by Caroline and Matt who were clearly in some sort of conflict or something as they were extremely awkward but I just ignored it.

When I got into the hall, I separated myself from Damon to go to get some punch from the snack table and I bump into Elena there. I read her facial expressions, she looks worried. I feel a pit of anxiousness in my stomach for her. I touch her arm gently,

"hey are you okay?"

she looks startled but then once she realises it's me she calms down.

"yeah im fine just a bit scared aha" 

she laughs nervously and i can tell she's lying. 

I pull her arm forcefully to the exit of the hall.

She struggles but I still manage to cover her mouth so that she doesn't scream. Once we are out of the hall I take my hand off her mouth.

"What the fuck was that for Belle?!" , she snapped at me angrily but i could see the fear in her eyes.

i raise my finger to her mouth to shush her. She looks at me signaling for me to speak.

"Elena i don't know what you know about Klaus but you are in serious danger he will kill you, he needs you dead to complete his ritua-

I get cut off mid sentence. My head gets slammed brutally onto the ground, i try to scream but a hand is covering my mouth I feel like I'm suffocating all over again. I scream and scream but nobody can hear me. I feel like I'm moving but my legs aren't I'm being carried somewhere by strong arms but we are going supernaturally fast.

  Suddenly I am thrown onto the ground. My head is killing me and I fall unconscious yet again...

The next morning:

I wake up with the familiar feeling of my head spinning. I pull myself up to realise I'm lying on a soft white bed in what seems to be a hotel room?

  The last thing I remember is getting ambushed while trying to warn Elena about Klaus' murderous plan.

  fuck fuck fuck I didn't get to help her I hope she's okay.

I lift my feet off the bed even though I feel a bit dizzy and I walk towards the door. I open the handle and it leads to a kitchen. 

I notice a startled girl who looks just like Elena but with curled locks of hair instead of straight . She was just aimlessly sitting at the kitchen table.

  I walk over to her to see if I can get some answers. I tap her on the shoulder lightly. She turns round to look at me.

   "I don't mean to scare you but do you know we're we are?"

The girl just looks up at me with a scowl on her face and doesn't answer,

"okay fine don't answer then be a fucking bitch"

I swiftly walk towards the door to leave this hotel room but the door doesn't open. i hear evil laughter coming from the girl like she's taunting me.

   Since I cannot get out and I am stuck with this stuck up bitch I raid the drawers in the kitchen. I find a bottle of bourbon and pour myself a glass.

  Once I swigged that glass down I go to fill up another but I see the girl longingly look at the bottle of bourbon and I can tell her mouth is watering at the look of it. I mean she looks starving.

  I would usually give her some but considering I was kidnapped AND this girl didn't even give me a solid answer AND I was genuinely just not feeling the kindest of souls today I let my pettiness get the best of me and decided to brutally tease her instead.

  I came up right up close and personal to her and pulled up a chair next to her so that I was directly facing her. I then grabbed the bottle of bourbon and drank all of it except I left a small drop left and made her watch as I threw the last remaining sip dramatically out the window.

I watched as her face dropped from a scowl to utter despair as she rushes towards the window to see where the bottle went.

"that's what u get u snotty bitch" i smirk

A familiar laugh can be heard from the door in which I tried to exit prior. I knew that laugh. 


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