panic attack

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Belles POV:
I arrived a few hours ago and Freya got me settled in a lavish room with a window that overlooked the fields by the house and the animals who lived there.
    I hear a bleeping noise coming from my phone so i go to check it.

Dad: come back now arlo needs picking up tomorrow.

i thought Arlo's trip ended in 3 days?

Suddenly reality hits it, i was vaguely happy earlier and now as soon as i feel good i have to go back to the very place that kills that happiness. my home.

i feel my breathing getting heavy and my heart starts beating fast. I feel something wet dripping down my face. it was a tear. i feel myself getting out of control. i start panting trying to slow down my breathing but the pace of my breathing just gets quicker and quicker. it feels like my lungs are collapsing like my airways are drowning. i start crying my eyes out.
i can't hear anything except for my own thoughts running round my head, jumping about. my head feels as though it going to explode.

    I hear a door knock and then the door open but i ignore it. i pull my hands up to my head and hold my head in my hands. I feel sudden and intense anxiety all through my body. i'm shaking but i feel like i'm frozen. I feel so disorientated.

     I feel a comforting hand placed on my thigh and it's enough to distract me for a few seconds to look up and see who it is.


I can't continue to try and bottle it in and control it anymore. Deafening ringing in my ears, i place my hands on my ears and i try and block out everything.

The walls are closing in on me. i'm suffocating. I could feel my palms sweating and i couldn't think of anything my mind was blank except the ongoing thought of make it stop.

The hand on my thigh moved to my hands and held them trying to calm me. i hear a voice speak to me.

"keep your eyes on me love okay?"

I look up to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me. i focus on the face, his lips, his nose, and then his beautiful eyes. My mind is so chaotic and i can feel my unsteady breathing but i try to do what the he says.

"your doing so well love now breathe with me okay?"

He pulls my hands up when he breathe in and pulls them down when he breathes out. He signals for me to join in.

i try and breathe in and start shaking and falling the the floor.

He holds my arms steady and then pulls my body into him. he holds me for a while and i can feel my body relaxing into him.

When i feel stable i pull away from him.

"breathe in and out for me i know you can do it"

this time when i try i feel air go through me into my lungs and i breathe it out and i can feel my body going back to normal. i do this a few more time then i stop and just stare mesmerised at the man in front of me.

He is completely focusing on me, making sure i was okay, making me his first priority. I look down at his chest where i was laying not long ago and there were tear stains on it but he didn't seem to mind. He seemed like he only cared about my safety

There is a gap of silence for a while while i concentrate on slowing down my breather and my heart pace. A wave of gratitude and relief swept through me.


i watch his eyes light up when he smiles at me and he reaches for my hand again and his warm skin heats up my cold shaking hand. he looks as if he is going to speak but then he hesitates.

"if you don't mind me asking, what got you so upset?"  he asks looking up at me sadly.

"my dad texted he wants me home to look after my brother, i hate that house"

I wait for him to respond with questions and confusion but he nods and says softly

   "I understand"

And then he gives my hand one more little squeeze and leaves the room, leaving me all alone again.

Within the next few minutes i fall asleep.

Next Morning:
I awake at the knocking on my door. And for some reason i have a hope in my heart that it is Klaus but my heart withers a little when a see a man i've never seen before walk in.
    He tells me he is a servant and he is to deliver this to me, and he hands me a small package wrapped in silk with a white ribbon on top. I smile and say thankyou and i wait for him to leave before i open it.

  I carefully unwrap the ribbon carefully so i don't rip it and unwrap the package from the silk cloth it is wrapped it. I gasp as i see what is inside.

   A journal with a beautiful leather front with the my initials ( B. S ) engraved into it. i open the first page eagerly and they're a note written on it.

    'I hope you will accept this gift from me to you. Whenever you feel overwhelmed again try writing it down in here, it always helps ease my rage so maybe it'll help you. Although any time you have a panic attack again i will be by your side i promise love. I know how hard they are i've been having them for a long time trust me - Klaus'

i trace his writing with my fingers and i start to feel warm inside. i can't help but smile everytime i read it . I can't believe he did this for me. All for me.

The door opens and Freya walks in.

  "Your cars here belle i'm sorry it's time to go"

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