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"hello love"

I turn hesitantly round towards the sound of the husky voice that I began to think I had escaped from. 

 I locked eyes with him. I fixate on his alluring blue eyes. 

I want to slap him, kick him, punch him, anything but.. I cannot.

I forget about the girl watching us like a hawk in the room and I just dive into his chest. The scent of his aftershave and cologne hits me as I am in his arms. 

I feel so safe and at home in his arms that I can feel my eyes water. For three years, I have not had any physical comfort, all I had was the sound of his voice and now he's holding me. 

A coughing noise interrupts my thoughts so I'm back to reality however I still cling to Klaus' chest.

"Are youse gonna kiss or what?" mocks the girl from earlier

I pull away from Klaus irritated at the girl's outburst however Klaus handled it before I could.

"Now now Katerina, bite your tongue please" Klaus says, clearly unphased by her pettiness. 

Klaus compels Katerina (as he calls her) to do 10 laps of the town to give me and him privacy. 

As soon as Katerina leaves, I slap Klaus' face.

"That's what you get for trying to murder innocent lives for your own personal gain AND not too mention carrying me around with you for THREE YEARS while I was dead in some coffin AND for not telling me you were a vampire.. am I forgetting anything?!"

I watch as his mouth twitched. That bastard was trying not too smile at me. He found this bloody hilarious. 

I sauntered over towards him, I placed both my hands onto his neck, I began to strangle him

I watch as he struggles and I laugh. 

"Not so smiley now are you?"

I twist his neck tighter. I can see him begin to gasp for air.

"I may not be able to kill you Niklaus, however if you ever decide to cross me again, I can make you wish you could die" , and with that i press his neck harder once more before dropping him onto the floor.

"Its pathetic really Klaus, your the famous immortal and yet a mere mortal can make you struggle", I say whilst reaching out for his hand to help pull him up off the ground. 

Klaus' eyes crinkled and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile, I could tell he was proud of me. 

"i may end many lives but for you love i will give you a reason to live"Where stories live. Discover now