"your not going soft on us, are you nik?"

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Belle POV:
i wake up and it feels like a weight has been lifted off me. I open my curtains and open my window and breathe in the the fresh air, i stare up at the sunny sky and i just smile. For the first time in my life i have no worries. I am worry less.
I am worry less.

I sit on my bed and begin to think of last night but for some odd reason i can't remember anything that happened. All i can remember is falling asleep peacefully and having the best dream ever. It's like there was a massive gap in time from 8-11pm.

I brush it off and begin to get ready for the day. i do my makeup and hair but i feel like i'm missing something or forgetting something.

shit arlo i need to pick him up

i rush past my dads room and hurry down the stairs, grabbing my keys and hopping into the car to pick arlo up.

Klaus POV:

48 hours earlier..

I sit patiently listening to mother speaking about aunt Dahlia i've heard the stories of her a million times. But my ears perk up when i hear a side of the story i've never heard before.

    "There is the curse of the first born in the mikaelson family. I didn't believe Dahlia when she said she would take away my eldest when the time was right but because of my need for many children i made her cast a spell to let me have children. but that is when the curse of the first born was born.
     My dear Freya, my eldest, my baby girl was taken from me she was stolen. your father and i were distraught for years, Finn was distraught his eldest sister was gone. All because of Dahlia.
   My dear Freya I am so sorry my daughter."

then my mother starts to cry

i start to try to process the information but then i turn to Freya whose eyes are filled with rage and hatred focused on my mother. At that moment i believe Freya i believe everything and i am with her on this. I see the anger boil in my new sisters eyes and i decide to help her.

    Before Freya can say a word i speed over to where i keep my dagger and white oak ash and i dip the dagger into the ash. Elijah sees what i am doing but he doesn't try to stop me.
    Just as Freya starts to speak i stab the silver dagger through my mothers heart.

    "Niklaus" she says weakly

The black veins start going up her body and her face turns pale.
     I look back at my siblings and then Freya who i thought might be mad i cut her off but she just hugs me.
    I pull her off me, uncomfortable at the physical affection and Elijah chuckles at my disgust.

    "Freya i'm afraid my brother isn't too keen on the physical affection but I'd say him brutally stabbing mother is his way of trusting you"

Freya turns and smiles at me apologetically and i give her a nod back to show it was okay.
    I fling mothers body over my shoulder and exit the room to put her in a coffin.

A few hours later:
I'm lying on my bed when i hear a gentle knock on my bedroom door.

"come in"

Freya walks in and sits on chair next to my bed.

She looks slightly scared which makes me quite happy rhar she is still in fear of me but still i don't want my own sister to be THAT scared of me i just want her to deeply fear betraying me or doing anything to harm me at all (yeah klaus definitely not trust issues)

     "hey klaus, you said you wanted to speak to me?"
I pause before speaking

    "I suppose if i'm going to be killing our own blood for your protection i should atleast know a bit about you so go on tell me your life dear sister"

i smile at her to show its okay i'm not going to harm her

I hear her relief as she breathes knowing that i'm not going to kill her.
She smiles back at me and says
"what do you wanna know?"

1 hour later:
Freya had told me her whole life and honestly i was shocked i didn't know anyone had that much trauma except for our family but atleast we had each other she had no one. my face turns concerned and so i ask

   "did you not have anyone to trust or depend on? no friends?"

her eyes lit up.

   "i had one person. my best friend belle. She was there for me through everything. She's special honestly she's the most special girl there is. She's gone through so much hurt but she still manages to be there for me, her brother, her father, everyone around her. she is honestly my guardian angel, the only one whose ever looked out for me. She has the kindest heart but the most damaged one ever i can feel it when i hold her hand."

I watch as Freya's facial expressions turn from joy to misery.

  "she's probably so worried about me. You snapped my phone remember because you couldn't trust me? I'm worried about her she won't be okay on her own"

  I look into Freya eyes and the once lit up vibrant green eyes dimmed into a sad lifeless green.

I couldn't sit there and just watch my sister in pain. Thank god she's not on vervain.

  My pupils expand before i start talking.

"Belle is okay. You do not have to worry about her anymore she is perfectly fine and you will see her soon. just drift off to sleep"

    i watch as my sister falls asleep and i smile. I hear a voice from the doorway

   "Your not going soft on us are you Nik?"

Nik? there's only one person who calls me that
   I speed over and embrace the person in a hug
"i missed you rebekah"

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