bonfire night

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My head aches, sore from me angrily bashing it against the desk in front of me.

My brain is running loops round my head, frantically trying to come up with any information to do with Klaus Mikaelson.

I'm not sure how long I had been sitting here, dwelling on this strange man that had some sort of odd familiarity to me. I glanced anxiously at my hands, my nails were pretty much none existent as I had pretty much nibbled them to the nail bed.

My eyes were weak and weary from darting from page to page to find answers.

I sighed as I stood up, deeply irritated by the fact I could not get a straightforward answer.

I needed to clear my head.


I found myself wandering back to school, I don't know why, the previous interaction with Stefan and Elena there had startled me.

I stared up towards the yellow lettering that spelled 'TIMBERWOLVES", and then my eyes wandered below to the grass where the cheerleaders were stretching.

I saw Elena, Caroline.. And I saw Bekah.

As soon as Elena spotted me, she beckoned me over eager to gossip to me. I was about to go over there when the original waved at me with a warm smile on her face.

I just went with my gut instinct and went to the blonde who was now arching over to stretch her arms.

"Rebekah Mikaelson!", I squeal whilst embracing her in a hug.

That's when it hit me.


Klaus Mikaelson. Rebekah Mikaelson.

"Well don't just stand there sweetheart, we have some running to do", she insists before running over to the group of girl that I now notice are giving me evils.

I follow Bekah's bobbing blonde ponytail to find myself surrounded by Caroline and Elena.

"Has anyone seen Dana?", the coach asks,

The girls shake their heads whilst Caroline and Elena turn to each other with a grave look on their faces.

However, Rebekah was not glum about this news whatsoever.

"Looks like there's an opening on the squad", she teases with a sly smirk on her face.

Caroline grabs the originals vest and uses it to drag her closer towards her. I feel as though I might need to step in so I give Elena a distressed glance but I leave it alone for the time being.

"You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives", the blonde snaps irritably.

The original looks down on her, amused like she's a fool. I can tell this is just Rebekah's little game.

"I'm only interested in yours. Your spunk, your popularity, and maybe even your boyfriend.", she retorts, clearly taking pleasure in making Caroline blubber.

She starts to run off but then stops,

"Belle?", the original calls out, expecting me to follow.

I shoot Caroline a wry smile, genuinely feeling pity for her at that moment before jogging along to Rebekah.

As I'm running, I turn so I'm facing Care. I mouth 'I'm sorry' towards her and she just shrugs her shoulders carelessly. I feel a pang of pain in my heart as I watch the girl walk away miserable , I make a mental note to make it up to her later.


Running has never been a particular love of mine, not any sports really either. I noticed that as well as my dislike for the hobby I was also incredibly shit at running, Bekah was far in front of me whilst I was arched over, panting, exhausted from running for a brief three minutes.

I saw the blurred outline of the blonde original in the distance and figured she wouldn't need me.


My eyelids feel heavy and a groggy groan escapes my mouth as I am cut short of the dream I was having.

I refuse to open my eyes out of protest but manage to utter some words,

"Whoever woke me up, I ensure you unless its an emergency I will guarantee you an eternity of pain, torture and misery", I grumble, still half asleep.

"Well darling, as much as it would be a treat to see you try, that's not going to happen"

My eyes peeked open slightly at the sound of the cocky voice.


"The one and only. Now be quick, your going to get up and get dressed, we are going to attend this infamous bonfire night. Chop chop!", the bossy original shrilled.

I mumbled insults as I toddled over to the closet by my bed, my eyes still drooping.

Why on earth did I have to be friends with an all powerful original?


Amongst the three minutes I had been here, I had gathered information that whilst I was napping the wannabe scooby doo team had been plotting an elaborate plan for mind controlled Stefan, but unfortunately to do that they had to remove Rebekah from the equation.

Now I had to choose what option I'd prefer, say goodbye to zombie Stefan and my best friend or save my best friend but also zombie Stefan.

This was too much for me.

I grabbed the nearest red cup I could see, not caring what was it in and tipped it down my throat.


And with nine red cups downed, I knew just what to do.

I watched as Rebekah was so obviously falling for the dark haired man with the sexy sexy eyes, I watched him shamelessly flirt with her knowing all he was doing was going to hurt her.

I hate men.

I strolled over swiftly, I shot a brief, taunting smile to Damon before plunging a stick right through his chest.

He arched over clutched his wound with his hand.

I took Rebekah's hand and began to walk off with her before rapidly turning around to see the same stick I lodged in Damon about to be lodged into me.

I may be powerful but I didn't have the same quick reflexes of a vampire. I didn't know what to do so I hastily shielded my eyes in an attempt to shield myself from the overbearing pain I was about to experience.

I waited. And I waited. For a second, I thought I had stopped it.

But when I uncovered my eyes, I saw my Rebekah thrusting the exact stick into the air, it was shooting after Damon who was sprinting away as if his life depended on it.

Once I had realized what was happening, I balled my fists and concentrated on the small figure of Damon that was getting further away.

I took a breath in.

I breathed out.


And with that, Damon froze. He could not move. The wooden pointed stick submerged itself into his body once again.

Rebekah passed me a cup.


A/N: I haven't posted in ages I am so sorry!

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