meeting the mikaelsons

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Belle POV:
a few days have passed. i have been a lot happier recently, i don't know why but i have also been a lot more calm. My fathers still the same but it doesn't affect me as much recently, i don't have extreme reactions to it it's like it doesn't bother me as much as it used too. ? i don't know it's weird.

Arlo is on a school trip so i don't have to worry about him. it's peaceful.

I wake up to a knocking sound at my front door. My dads asleep so he's not gonna get it so i put my slippers on and go to answer the door.

As soon as i open it i am engulfed in a hug. it's so familiar, the scent i know that perfume.

I squeal and hold her tighter before letting go and just looking at her.
"i've been so worried. are you okay??? i missed you"

Freya hugs me once again

"it's a long story but i'll explain it on the way. we are going on a road trip and i'll introduce you to some people"

she winks at me and i just stare at her for a minute

i have never seen Freya this happy before and it warms my heart at the sight of my best friend happy.

3 hours later..
we pull into the drive of a mansion. i look in awe at it. It's giant and there's two giant palm trees at the entrance with a pebble path leading to the massive front doors. it like a dream.

"so. this is where the oh so famous mikaelsons live?"

Freya grins and says
"Not just them, remember i live here too now and what's mine is yours so WE live here."

she grabs my hand

"I know you can't abandon your brother and father but whenever you need a break or need a babysitter  you can come here"

i smile the most i have in a long time and my eyes sparkle with excitement while i hug Freya.

"I love you Frey"

"I love you too belle"

We walk in the massive white mansion.

At the entrance stand 2 pretty good looking men and a blonde woman.

"wow i didn't know i was so special that i get a welcome party" i joke to Freya

However another voice answers me and chuckles

"only the best for you love"

something about that voice is familiar as i turn towards the voice. The man softly takes my hand and kisses it,

"Klaus Mikaelson .. and this (he gestures at the other man) is my brother Elijah and this (he gestures to the blonde woman) is Rebekah"

i am taken aback by this man, this beautiful beautiful man. i can't put my finger on it but he just feels so familiar

i brush it off and greet rebekah and elijah and thank them for welcoming them into my home while klaus talks to Freya.

"I do apologise for my brothers flirtatious act, i do hope it didn't make you uncomfortable" Elijah says

"it's fine honestly" i say while smiling

"Freya tells me you have a younger brother?"

I start telling Elijah about my brother and he talks of fond memories of klaus and rebekah from when they were Arlos age.

Klaus POV:

she should be arriving any minute now. i don't know why i'm making such an effort for this mortal. but something about her intrigues me.

I hear the car pulling up onto the drive and so i call and usher my siblings into the entrance to greet her.

Freya enters with the girl following her shortly behind while looking around her.

She looks so much more beautiful smiling. I can see her eyes sparkle with joy as she talks to Freya. Her light hair moves side to side as she laughs. Freya was right she really is a beautiful soul.

I approach the laughing girl who was making a joke about the welcome party.

"only the best for you love" i smirk as i see her reaction and i can almost see her cheeks turn pink.

Elijah gives me a stern look while Bex rolls her eyes at my flirting.

I step closer to the girl and pull her hand away from her body and to my lips . i kiss the top of her hand.

"Klaus mikaelson and this is my brother Elijah and my sister Rebekah"

She pauses to look at me for a second before going to greet my siblings. I watch her move while she's talking to Elijah and i can't help but feel a little jealous of my brother getting to talk to her.

I'm broken out of my trance by Freya wacking me on the arm. I look annoyed and look at her.

"oi what was that for?"

"if you use your charm to manipulate my best friend you are going to be sorry she is off limits. i will kill you if you try anything"

I laugh at Freya's attempt to be threatening and i pat her on the shoulder patronizingly.

"i don't mean any harm sister just a bit of flirtatious fun" and with that i leave Freya and go up to my study.

Authors note: I hope you guys are enjoying this i honestly don't know if this is absolute crap or not but oh well. there's probs like 146872 that don't make sense but oh well. thankyou for reading this far i'll update the next chapter tomorrow good night <33

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