the start of it all.

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(feel free to listen to the song on top! (*•ω•)ノ~♫)
Hiya. So I'm gonna put a little( a lot for a little note) information up here for y/n basically just explaining the personality (and your pet) BUT that's all I'm choosing for you. Everything else Is up to you. Anyways the reader(you) is kind and caring. She cares about her studies. Her parents are on a different side of town but still visit every weekend. You have a pet snake named cherry(if you don't like snakes then you can choose something else or ignore the parts with cherry in it). She's a albino ball python with pinkish spots like this,

 She's a albino ball python with pinkish spots like this,

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But with red eyes. You don't tend to notice or care when people start to LIKE like you because it's not important to you at the moment. You do tend to get flustered or embarrassed at somethings but try forgetting about it. Last but not least when people start to go against your family or friends, you always stick up for them and stay by their sides. Sorry for the long ass note it won't be like this unless it's really important. I'll start the chapter now. Enjoy ( ,,• ₃ •,, ).
~•°2nd pov°•~
Today's your first day at a new highschool. In your last one let's just say there was a few people that where a little to obsessed. But who can blame them, you're quite attractive, and people feel really comfortable talking with you.
Waking up early at 6:00am, a little anxious, you start to prepare yourself for school. Changing into o/c(outfit choice), then going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and anything else you needed to do in there.

After you finished getting ready it was 6:59am. Meaning you still had about an hour in a half before school started, which was at 8:30am. Going into your kitchen, you prepared a quick breakfast along with lunch. Now you had about an hour left, so you checked up on cherry and feed her. When you were done you went on your phone to do whatever you wanted. And finally walked to school.

Getting inside the school you found a teacher and asked directions for the office but the teacher just told you to follow them. Arriving at the office, you thanked the teacher and asked on of the people for your schedule (politely may I add.).
Thanking them along with asking for directions to you first class, you went on your way.

Walking into the class, the only person in there was the teacher(you arrived earlier than expected at 7:50am), to which they smiled and welcomed you, following with showing you to your assigned seat. Going on your phone and putting your headphones on, you waited patiently for class to start, still a little anxious though.
Finally everyone arrived and class started.
~°•your pov•°~
When the teacher started to talk, I placed my headphones to sit on my head in a way so I can hear both my teacher and the music at the same time. "Ok class, Today we are gonna be having a chill day because we finished our test AND we're ahead of the rest of my classes. Also, if you haven't noticed, we have a new face joining us for the rest of the year! So please treat her kindly, like you would with your own friends." As the teacher was announcing that I could feel my face heat up a tad bit. Pointing my head down, I fixed my headphones to cover both ears and folded my arms on my desk and rested my head on top of them, getting as comfortable as I could. Listening to my music, I kind of zoned out, hearing the muffled voices of my classmates happily chatting to their friend.

My Darling (yandere jjba x reader X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now