woaaaah, that's your team?

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I apologize for not posting for a while again :')
I should be able to post a little more this upcoming week because it's spring break. So yay :D.
Anyways I'll start it now.
*Pat pat*

What a nice way to wake up. Being FUCKING BIT by a over sized aggressive rat. Anyways, after explaining to taleen (ty ayailat for the suggestion ^^), who might I add look bored and couldn't even understand me, about why it's not nice to bite people, she can only bite creeps and stalkers.
I sigh as I go to my closet and pick something to wear.

After doing everything needed I go to my new baby and pick her up to go to the living room. Half way there I hear a knock on the door. "Coming" I yelled out and jog to the door with taleen in my arms.

I unlock and open the door, only to find "Giorno?" I question his presence. "Hey y/n, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and a few others? It's ok if you don't we can hang out another time." He smiles at me. "Yea, I would love to, is it ok if I bring taleen?"

 "Yea, I would love to, is it ok if I bring taleen?"

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(We don't lol)

We just stared at each other. Finally he spoke up "I mean, I suppose..Does it have a leash..?" I sweat drop "I still need to get one.." I say. He nods "we can get one while we're out. C'mon, don't wanna be late." He smiles his calm smile.

We arrived after a short ride in his GOD DAMN LIMO, WHY DO WE NEED TO BE IN A LIMO IF ITS ONLY TWO PEOPLE- *ahem* apologies.. anyways, we're at an Italian restaurant that I've heard a lot about.

Giorno being the gentleman he is opened the door for me then followed in after. I kinda stood there awkwardly and waited for him to walk In front of me so I could follow after, which he did. He grabbed my hand so he didn't lose me, as the place was packed with people, and leads me to a table with a group of people.

"We're here-" Giorno gets interrupted by a gruff and grumpy sounding voice "you're late." I look towards the speaker and see a male with long light lilac hair and really pretty yellow purple ombre eyes. He also has a hat? I don't know, it could be hair. Reminds me of a purple egg shell. Anyways he then looks at me and lightly glares "and who is she?"  Giorno steps slightly in front of me "She's a... Friend.."

Someone from the table with pink hair gets up and walks towards me "Hi, I'm Trish." She then takes my hand and leads me to the spot she was sitting at that had an extra chair "Giorno and Leone, the grumpy man, are practically enemies, so don't mind them." I nod and look at the people sitting at the table.

My Darling (yandere jjba x reader X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now