Sunday shopping.

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So me and my whole family is pretty sure my cat's dying, he's pretty old (14), and tomorrow we take him to the vet but idk if they're doing it to put him to sleep or to see what they can do to help him. Anyways sorry, I'll start the story now.
Also '...' means thinking
。❀·̩͙꙳。your pov as always。❀·̩͙꙳。
I rise from my laying position and look around my room groggily. Grabbing my phone off the charger, I head into the living room and sit on the couch. I look at cherries enclosure, and watch as she slithers to her water dish. Looking back at the TV, I decided to turn it on. I went to a random channel, which was the news channel. Shrugging my shoulders I turn on my phone and scroll through TikTok. "-ere has been reports of more murders around (your address). Whoever lives around there please stay safe and lock your house up. Moving on-" hearing that from my I look at the front door and immediately get up to check if I had locked it, which I always do, but I wanted to be sure.
Seeing the door was locked, I sigh in relief and go to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

Looking in the fridge, I see barely anything. I then check the cabinets but find nothing in there but pasta noodles and rice. Hunching my back over, I sigh for the 3rd or 4th time but in defeat "guess I'm going out... And on my day off." I whine. I just wanted to stay home today, in my pj's and chill with cherry. But noooo, I have to go out because I forgot to go get groceries yesterday. I mumble curses under my breath while walking to the couch and turning off the TV. Looking at cherry, I squint my eyes at her "you have it so easy... Not having to do anything but eating, drinking and sleeping. You practically have a butler to give you things, ahem me, and don't have to go out shopping, working, or going to school. I mean I guess your life is kinda boring because that's all you do, BUT STILL!" I rant on, even though she's probably not even listening. Throwing my head back in frustration, I groan and stomped my way to my room to get ready.

"Alright.. I think I've got everything? Let's see money, house keys, phone, and mini backpack for my things. Yep I think that's all." I then proceeded to lock my door not wanting any murderer to enter my home, and head down to the store.

Finally arriving, I head in and grab a cart. I put my bag in the front part of the cart, AFTER using a sanitary wipe, and head to the bread aisle. Grabbing two loaves of bread, I put them in my cart and go to the next aisle, the candy and snack aisle. Looking at different varieties of sweet and salty treats, I grab my favorites. Going further down the aisle, my cart bumps into another. Quickly snapping my head in their direction, I see three familiar faces and the rest unfamiliar. "IM SO SORRY-" I practically yell then quickly cover my mouth as I blush from embarrassment. "It's fine-" the tall man was cut off by one of the people I know, that being Jolyne "Hey y/n, Sunday shopping as well?" Looking her way I smile and nod "Hi, also yea. I got hungry but checked and saw nothing but pasta noodles and rice..." I sigh towards the end. Hearing her laugh a little, I let out one of my own. "Anyways, these are my brothers. You already know jotaro and josuke talked about you so I'm guessing you know him too." Looking at them all I smile kindly "It's nice to meet you! Jolyne already said my name but just in case, I'm y/n." "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Jonathan Joestar! The one with brown hair is Joseph. The one with blond braided hair is Giorno, last but not least is Johnny." As we talk a little more, we then say our goodbyes and head in our own directions.

Finally getting done with shopping, I sweat drop at all the food I bought "at least I'll be set for awhile.. just need to find out how to get it all home... *Sigh*" I look at the cart full of groceries trying to calculate some way to bring it home, 'i shouldn't take the cart with me, but I could always bring it back..' squinting my eyes, I didn't realize the Joestars walking up to me "hey, need a ride?" Being startled out of my trance I look to the speaker to see that it was Jonathan. I look at my things then back at him "I wouldn't want to be a bother. I mean you guys just got done with shopping also I don't wanna take up room and or get our groceries mixed up." I sweat drop as I speak. He just shakes his head with a kind smile "nonsense! We have enough room for more. Plus we didn't get much." Looking back to all my grocery bags, I sigh and nod, taking to his offer. "Great! Follow me." Nodding I followed him to his car.
It wasn't a normal car that you see everywhere.. IT WAS A GOD DAMN LIMOUSIN!
I stare at it with my mouth jaw dropped open and eyes wide. Jonathan and Joseph seeing my reaction both chuckle. "Y/n, you should probably close you mouth before a fly flies into it." Slowly closing it, I then shake my head quickly. "Sorry, just never seen one in real life." I sweat drop. He then chuckles once again and helps with putting my groceries in the back.After giving my address to them, we head on our way and make small talk.

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