Two new friends U(๑›ᆺ‹)U

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Hiya! So I decided on making some of the older characters that are 20 teachers... PLEASE DONT BE MEAN ≡=(ノTдT)ノ.. the thing is I'm mostly just gonna have 3-2 main places in the story. That is school (ofc) your apartment and work, and yes you have a job. Your parents do send money to help out a little- ANYWAYS..! Hope you enjoy the chapter, idk how long it's gonna be, depends on my future self and how lazy I get.
Your pov.
Jolyne slings her arm around me, shortly apologized after I flinched from the slight pressure on the bruise, and walked with me in the front of the group talking about random stuff. Suddenly I feel another person walking next to me, looking over I see Anasui to my surprise. He also stands way too close to me. I sort of made the mistake of turning my face toward him, seeing as of now, how close we are, noses almost touching. "How's your shoulder?" He asks, being flustered at the closeness, I scoot back accidentally bumping into Jolene's side. Looking at her then apologizing, I turned back to Anasui to reply to his question. "It's fine, thanks for asking." I say with a slight awkward smile. He just stares for a moment before nodding and looking forward. Feeling Jolyne nudge me closer to her side, I turn to look at her only to see she's looking at Anasui.
I look back and forth between them.

My eyes widened, I took a step back. Almost bumping into another member of the group. Jolyne looked at me questioningly l, then looked back at Anasui trying to understand why I moved back. As she squinted her eyes, She understood why. To me she looked flustered, but I didn't know that was the opposite. She looked at me and gently grabbed my wrist, pulling me to her side.

"Hey, we need to use the restroom. Be right back!" She says as she points to the nearest one and rushes to it still holding my hand.
Running into the ladies restroom, we come to a stop. I wasn't paying attention and slammed into her back making an "omph!" Sound, Jolyne slightly jolted at the impact then turned to me. "I know what you're thinking, and you are way far from the truth!" She says in a serious voice. I tilt my head and reply " huh? But you wouldn't stop staring at-" she cut me off by grabbing my shoulders "Y/n... Listen, I like someone else ok? *mutters* But turns out I might have a rival or two..." I looked at her with surprise, but it quickly turned into confusion as she finished her sentence by muttering something, " Hey can you repeat the last bit? I couldn't really hear it.." she looks at me straight into my eyes and sighs softly "it's nothing, don't worry about it." I stared at her questioningly but shrugged it off. she grabbed my hand and softly pulled me with her. As we exit the bathroom, we find the others waiting patiently while chatting. I noticed a person missing though "Hey where's F.F.?"

They all look at me and Jolyne, and Ermes was the first to respond "They went to fill up their cup. They'll be back here in a few seconds." I nod. Waiting for a minute, I see F.F. jogging towards us, waving at them with a smile, F.F. waves back. "Sorry if I took too long, there was a stupid line!" They pout before taking a long sip from the clear liquid. I laugh a little along with the others. F.F. then suddenly clings onto me, surprising me. Not paying attention to the others, I didn't see their upset faces. Some looked like they wanted to strangle someone the others just looked a little mad. Letting F.F. cling to me, I turn to the others, who quickly fix their moods, and ask "does anyone else have Mr. Kishibe? I might need help finding that class." They all shake their heads but Anasui said he'd help since he's the closest to the class. Nodding and thanking him, the bell rings signaling the passing period.

We both walked to class together after bidding bye to the others and them doing the same. On the way there, people kept looking our way. I thought they were looking at Anasui since he's been here the longest and he's quite charming. I was only half right though, a lot of people were look at me also. Feeling weight on my shoulders, I look at Anasui to see he was already looking at me. Getting embarrassed, I look the other way, as he smiles but then glares at the people looking at me and brings me closer, brightening the red hue on my face.

Finally arriving to our/my destination, he turns to me " I'll get you when class ends. We have lunch after so I'll walk you to the cafeteria." He says with a soft smile. I nod my head and thank him once again, then walk into my classroom. Not knowing if there's assigned seats or not I just stand there cluelessly. Then I feel a light tap on my shoulder, turning I see a familiar red haired male smiling down at me. "Y/n right? Im Kakyoin, sorry for not saying so earlier. Anyways wanna sit at my table? There's an extra seat by me." He says as he scratches the back of his neck. (Holy shit I'm tired- sorry from here on there might be a lot more mistakes, I'm smart enough to start writing these chapters at night.. smh and writing always makes me sleepier than normal.)

We walk over to his table and take our seats. Just as the bell stops ringing the teacher walks in. A lot of the people I'm meeting have very bizarre style. But I like it, I find it cool. Anyways, he walks over to his desk and starts speaking not even looking at the class. "All right, We're starting a new project the next time we meet. So today we're just gonna prepare ourselves for it. I'll be taking attendance first, so when you hear your name RAISE YOU'RE HAND Please... This class seems to have a problem with that and talks over me.*sigh* It gets very troublesome." As he reads the list of names I don't pay to much attention until I hear mine "Y/n L/n?"

He looks up as I raise my hand. "Ah, you must be the new student. I do hope you aren't as troublesome as most of these students. Especially Josu-" as he was about to finish, the door slams open, revealing a male with a pompadour who was slightly panting. " Sorry I'm late! Ran into some trouble..." "-ke Higashikata..." A tick mark appears on Mr. Kishibe's cheek as he taps his fountain pen impatiently on the desk "Meet me after class, this is the fifth time in a row you've been late." Josuke then looks down with a frown and a sweat drop " awe man..." He then shuffles to the table me and Kakyoin are sitting at. Setting his stuff down he takes a seat.

Mr. Kishibe goes on with attendance as some people talk quietly, not trying to piss him off more than he already is. Josuke then looks up and sees I'm staring at his hair. He lets out a low scoff "what? Does my hair look funny to ya?" He says catching me by surprise. "Ah! I-" he furrows his eyebrows and stares at me. "Look if you're gonna make fun of it then screw off, I already delt with Jack asses this morning.. I don't need ano-" I cut him off the same way he did with me

"you didn't let me finish. I think your hair looks cool! If I was trying to do that, I'd mess up terribly.. how'd ya get It to stay?" I say as he sat there shocked. He then snaps out of it and smiles confidentiality and with pride. "It takes a lot of practice! I've been doing this hairstyle since I was little, to represent my savior!" He says with a brighter smile. I tilt my head but deside not to poke to much into it. We did just meet, so I don't wanna pry to much into his business. As we talk, Kakyoin starts to join in.

the rest of class flew by and we all walked out of the door together. I feel my hand get pulled and see it was Anasui. He glares at the two males by my side. "Ahem.." we all hear a voice from behind us and recognize it as our art teacher. Josuke slowly turns around to face hime but sees another glaring face. "We're supposed to have a little chat mister Higashikata. Also y/n," I tilt my head to the side when he says my name and look at him worriedly, but it all washes away when he say "You did good. You might even become my favorite student." He says with a smile. The boys look at him shocked, mostly Josuke. I smiled back "Thank you Mr. Kishibe! See you soon." Then I start going the way I think is the cafeteria, but get corrected by Anasui and Kakyoin "It's the other way, y/n" I turn around and speed walk away. I can hear Kakyoin and Anasui chuckle while josuke laughs but then makes a slight choked out sound as he gets yanked by his shirt/jacket.
I need to start writing earlier so I don't get too tired omg. I'm about to just pass out istg.
Anyways hope you enjoyed or found this chapter interesting. Catch ya later!
Bye bye^^

~Yumiko(˶ㅇᗜㅇ˶) ⑉♥

~.•°word count 1636°•.~

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