ouch lol

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Hiya :D
I know I've been gone longer than needed and I'm sorry :') but I'm back.
I put one of my many new ocs into a jjba ai thingy and she looks kinda hot. Sorry-
Anyways I'll start the story.
。❀·̩͙꙳。do I even need to put who's pov it is?。❀·̩͙꙳。

"Augh... Owwww.."
I groaned as I sat up and looked around the room, I noticed I was in the infirmary at the school. "Oh! you're up, how are you feeling dear?" Looking at the speaker, I noticed it was the nurse, a sweet old lady in her 60s "I'm doing good, thank you for asking." I smiled softly at her but wince when I tried to sit up. "Ah ah ah" she shook her finger at me then gently pushed me back down "you shouldn't sit up, you're still quite injured. Thank heavens this school has the necessary supplies for injuries like that." She shakes her head with a sigh.

A few seconds later the nurses door slams open with a familiar Joestar strutting in. "Jotaro?-" I get cut off by said man, "you need to be more careful dumbass.." he then looks at the nurse "can I speak to her... ALONE." he glares slightly at the poor woman. She nods and scurries out of the room. Jotaro starts to walk over to the bed I'm at and stops In front of it. Getting nervous I turn my head to the window but the stop as I feel pressure on both sides of my face, turning me to look at jotaro. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He growled out. As I flinched at the tone in his voice he starts to speak more, "how fragile can you be, for fucks sakes you got hurt from nothing. Air, you got a scar because of air." He rants on. "That's why you need to stay by MY side at all times, no one else's! Someone else could hurt you, then what good would it be?" I just stare at him in confusion as he continues to talk.

"jotaro... Jotaro?..... JOTARO!" I yelled trying to get his attention, successfully doing so. He slowly looks at me in the eyes. "Did you just yell at me...? *Sigh* whatever" he tilts his hat down "I said all I needed, Ill be right back you better stay." He glares down at me then proceeds to exit out the door.
Looking at the door that just closed, I sit up on the bed, wincing once again as the pain slowly fades, and walk out the nurses office.

"pain pain go away.. come again another day~" I sang out in a hushed tone as I walked down the empty halls 'i don't think I'm gonna get any sleep for a while..' I sweat dropped at my own thought.

I continued to walk down the halls until I felt a painful tug at my wrist. I looked behind me to see what the problem was. It was a tan girl with blonde hair, she also had blue eyes and matching eyeshadow. Her hair was done in a half up half done hairstyle, her top due was a ponytail accompanied by a blue scrunchie. I stare at her and slowly tilt my head with a confused look "ah- can I help you?" I question. She scowled at me deeply "stay away from the Joestars, that may sound cliche and all but I don't want a stupid new bitch taking them away from me!" She aggressively points at me then towards herself. My eyes widen as she stated what she did. "Huh? Look I don't like any of them in that way. I just met them and all so I'll need to get to know them better." I smiled with a sweat drop. Her scowl only grows as I say that, she then shoved her manicured teal and white nail into my chest. "Do I need to repeat myself? I don't give a rats ass if you don't 'like them in that way', I said to stay. Away. From. Them." She jabs her nail harshly into my chest. "Right... Look I don't think you shoul-" I get cut off by a stinging sensation on my cheek as I stumbled backwards.

I looked down as a shadow casts itself over my eyes. I then proceeded to lift my hand slowly to my burning cheek "you didn't even let me- UMPH" getting interrupted once more by her kicking me to the ground, I start to have a coughing frenzy "hah.. look at you." She glares down at me with a smirk "sooo... pathetic!" She then starts to grab my face and throws another punch. closing my eyes thinking that would help, I don't feel anything. I slowly open my eyes and see her fist blocking my view. "Huh?" I noticed someone beside her, she had pink and green hair with matching pink and green eyes. She also has a pair of green glasses. The blond looked at the new character beside her then froze. Suddenly she starts to quiver and yells out apologies. "MIZU! L-look, it's n-ot what you think! I was ju-" this 'mizu' person then grabs the blondes face, to which she starts to blush as her eyes grow wide.

 "MIZU! L-look, it's n-ot what you think! I was ju-" this 'mizu' person then grabs the blondes face, to which she starts to blush as her eyes grow wide

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(Had to use a drawing I did last year for a reference 😭✋)
"You better leave y/n alone. I don't want to see you near her again!" The blond just blushed even more as 'Mizu' brought their faces closer. "Y-yes mizu. I apologize." She smiles lovingly at the girl with white horns then runs away. The pink and green haired female look at the running girl then turns to me, her gaze softens slightly "you alright girly? Do you need to go to the nurses office?" She questions worriedly, I smile slightly at her before wincing, "I'm fine! I can stand on my own I think..?" I wobbled slightly as I stood up "ah, hold on-" I then started to fall forward, only to be caught by the female In front of me. "Hey, we better get you to the nurse, your face is bruised up, I also saw the kick she landed on you..." She says while holding me up, she then walks me back to the nurse.
I'm sorry the chapters are so short:') also new love interest unlocked :D! As you probably read her name's Mizu, her hair was inspired by mitsuri if you couldn't tell
ฅㅕ^ㅇㅅㅇ^ㅑฅ anyways here are both my ocs that are gonna be part of the love interest together ^^( that probably made no sense at all!)

I'm sorry the chapters are so short:') also new love interest unlocked :D! As you probably read her name's Mizu, her hair was inspired by mitsuri if you couldn't tell ฅㅕ^ㅇㅅㅇ^ㅑฅ anyways here are both my ocs that are gonna be part of the love intere...

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It probably isn't the best quality but oh well!
Anyways hope you enjoyed or found it interesting, see you next chapter!
Bye bye~

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