Mama pick me up I'm scared..

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Ok so I'm sorry about the note before this chapter :'). But still gonna put characters theme songs and intros. I'm also gonna skip the time after school since idk what to write for the rest. l Alright gonna start the chapter now!

-*your pov*-
Walking to the entrance of the school, I hear my name being called from behind me. Turning, I see Jolyne and the rest of the group not too far behind. I smiled and waited for them to catch up. "Hey how was your first day?" F.F. asks, I respond "It was ok, boring but ok.". We all started to walk together as we traveled to our homes. Now I was by myself playing music. knowing I had to go to work in about an hour and a half, I speed walk towards my apartment complex. Unlocking my apartment door, I enter and head straight to my room to change. After getting ready for work (y'all we're gonna be cliche and gonna work at a cafe.) I say goodbye to cherry, though not like she'll hear it, then head out the door and lock it back up.

Standing In front of the cafe, I walk in and greet my fellow employees. Heading to the back of the cafe, I check in and grab my apron, put it on and head back out to the front. Going behind the counter getting ready for a new customer, I chatted with one of my friends. A few minutes later I hear the doors bell chime. Looking up I greet them with a smile. It was a man with a purple suit and a blue dress shirt accompanied with a tie that had cat skulls. He also kinda looked like David Bowie. "Hello, what can I get for ya today?" I say with a smile. He looks at me with a straight face that makes me sweat slightly. "I'd like a cup of tea please." He responds I nod "uh would you like anything in it?" I ask awkwardly smiling. He shakes his head no. "Alrighty, that will be a $1.50. you can take a seat wherever" i look up at him only to see he's looking down at the counter, looking to where he is, all there is are my hands. "Uhm- sit?" I say snapping him out of his trance. he apologizes and hands me the money, then goes to sit at an empty table by the window.

Putting hot water in a teacup, I go to get a tea bag from a cabinet. Letting it soak in the water for 3 minutes, I bring it to 'David Bowie's twins' table. "Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy!" I say as I put the cup gently on the table. "Thank you." The man says in a blank voice. Nodding I go back to the counter. A few minutes later, the bell chimes once again. Looking up from a book I was reading, I saw two people. One with blond hair and a very strange orange outfit that suits him quite well. Next to him looked like a priest with white-ish hair. What's up with all the bizarre looking outfits today? "Welcome, what can I get for ya?" I say smiling at them. The blond one looks at me and smirks, meanwhile the priest orders politely " Just a coffee please." I look at the blond "what about you?" He just stares for a moment making me uncomfortable. "I'm not hungry." I just tilt my head slightly to the side "ah- what about a drink?" He just shakes his head no. Nodding I say the price and they go to take a seat. While I'm waiting for the coffee to be done, David Bowie walks up to the counter. "Is there anything you need?" I ask, not remembering my hands where in his view until he grabs them gently. I looked at him confused and shocked, he then put them near his mouth making me more uncomfortable than what I was already. "Thank you for the tea. Might I also say you're quite beautiful." He says as he looks straight into my eyes. I try taking my hands back but he tightens his hold on them "Uhm sir please let go. I'm feeling really uncomfortable..."  I say as I look around but see no employees that could help me out a bit. He sits there for a little longer before the blond from before joins in on the 'conversation'. "Yoshikage, I didn't notice you were here." The said man just grunts in response and let's go. "Have a nice day y/n." I looked surprised for a moment then realized that my name tag is on the apron. "You too?" I replied back confused. The other blond looked at me then left back to his and the priest's table.

After everyone left except the two males I started to clean up a bit, not noticing they were still there. Going out to the main part of the cafe, bringing a broom with me, I put the dust pan on the floor and started sweeping. Going to a table with a certain duo, I get startled seeing them looking at me. "What- I thought everyone left. Why are you guys still here?" The blond was the first to speak. "I, Dio, have found you quite interesting. It's quite amusing watching you work, human!" I look at him confused as to why he called me human. Isn't he one too? Shrugging it off I clear my throat "Well could you please leave? Not to sound mean, but I have to head home and lock everything up here before leaving."  The priest stands up and so does 'Dio' "Yes we're quite sorry for staying here for such a long time." The priest says as they walk to the door, he reaches for the handle but suddenly stops. "Say do you believe in God?" He looks at me  as I just stood there.

(I don't wanna make anyone mad so skip this part if you want)

"I don't really know.. sometimes I start to question if there is a god or where we go after going into eternal rest. But then others I think it's just like when you fall asleep and dream. If you're anxious about something you did and it was really bad to the point you never forget about it, your mind gives you bad dreams. But when you do something good and don't live with a big amount of guilt, you have the best dreams you could wish for. Both represent heaven or hell in a way don't you think?" He just stood there before opening the door "Lord Dio is right, you're an interesting individual. I'm pucci. I'll see you hopefully later y/n." Then they both leave. I just stood there for a second rethinking about my day. "It's just gonna get even more bizarre, isn't it?" I sighed out, then went back to cleaning.

Flipping the open sign to closed and locking the door, I see the sun setting. *Sigh* "Better get home quickly, don't wanna get kidnapped. The kidnapping and killings on the news around this area have been expanding." I say as I make sure my bag (that appeared out of thin air.) Had anything to protect myself with just in case. Feeling a pocket knife and a bottle of pepper spray, I felt safer. Then start to walk home. Ah I can't wait to lay in my bed and just fall asleep right as I touch it.
I hope you all enjoyed and or found it at least interesting. I started writing at like 3 something pm but ended up painting my nails the same as Asmodeus from obey me, and tried to finish part 6 of Jojo. I wish I could just marry Anasui or weather, I already forgot his real name except his last. Why's he gotta be mean now though- sorry I'm rambling... Anyways
Bye bye^^

~Yumiko(˶ㅇᗜㅇ˶) ⑉♥

*~•word count 1337•~*

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