Yay Saturday! nvm I'm scared again...

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Hiya! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was playing obey me but now I'm mad at it. Sooo why not post a new chapter? I've also been thinking of making a new story after I get more into this one. I'm thinking of like bnha or kny x Sailor moon/usagi reader. So that'll be happening maybe at some point. Anyways I'll start the story now.
"GyaAaAaaammm-" (does anyone else yawn like this?)
I look at the clock when I wake up and see it's 9:13am.
Jumping out of bed and zooming to my closet I get ready for school. After that's done I go check up on cherry quickly then zoom out of my apartment, locking it up.
Running to school, I check my wrist, forgetting I don't have a watch.

Arriving at school I check my phone instead of my pretend watch and realize, "it's..*huff*.. Saturday...? *Huff*" I feel my eye twitching ever so slightly. "Y/n?" I hear a slight chuckle from behind me. Looking back I see Kakyoin and other people including the male with a hat going into his black hair. "*Inhale* Eugh... Kakyoin?" He looks at me with a confused smile "what are you doing with your bag at school? You do know it's Saturday... Right?" He questions. I huff again, still tired from running all the way to school and nod my head "yea, I do now.. I woke up a few minutes ago and thought it was a school day. *Mutters* oh how foolish I am.." I look at him and realize "Heyyy, wait, what are you guys doing at school?" I then hear a gruff voice speak instead of Kakyoins "I live close by here. We have to walk past the school to get to the cafe we want to go to." I look at him and nod at what he's saying "I see, what cafe?" I said smiling. "It's moonlight cafe (idk what to put for the cafe name, work with me here.) They're having a new dish being brought in." I freeze, they all looked confused, "well I guess I could give you all a discount?" They get even more confused"Huh? How so, do you have a friend that works there?" Kakyoin tilts his head. I look at them and smile "actually I do."

Walking to the cafe with them, I learned the names of all of 'em, except Kakyoin. There's Polnereff, Avdol, jotaro, and Iggy. which Iggy is practically everyone's dog. He also apparently really enjoys coffee gum.

Arriving at the cafe I greet the employees and head to the back for my apron and to set my bag down. Going back up front, I see two familiar people that came in yesterday. "Dio? Father pucci? You guys are back?" I say confused, they both look at me, Dio smirks and pucci smiles slightly. "We came here to watch you work again!" I look at Dio and awkwardly smile, "Actually, you came here to watch her. I came here for the same thing I got yesterday. Nodding, I told them to take a seat and I'll bring their stuff in a moment. The next people are the group I walked with on the way here. "You know those two?" Polnereff questions, I nod " yea actually, they came here yesterday and found me interesting? I don't know how.." I sweat drop. They all look at me, jotaro being the first to talk "Stay away from them. They're nothing but trouble. Especially Dio."

I look at him confused and than just shrugged it off. "Sure, ok." They looked at me shocked "You're gonna just like that? No evidence or anything?" Avdol asks, I just shrug my shoulder. " I mean I still have to talk to them since they are consumers, other than that I wasn't planning on really talking to them at all." I say getting Pucci's coffee and putting it in a coffee cup. "Hey y/n, I can get them for ya while you give those other costumer's there things. I nod and thank the employee, then head to Pucci and Dios table.

"Here you are. If there's anything else you need, tell me." I say with a smile. As I'm about to leave, my hand gets grabbed and I get yanked into the booth next to Pucci. "So you don't plan on talking to us? Why's that?" I look at him shocked, but reply "I mean, we don't really need to. You guys are just consumers I met yesterday, so I barely know you. Therefore I see no reason to be talking to you other than taking your orders. I'm sorry for sounding rude. Now if you'll excuse me..." I go to leave but pucci only tightens his hold on my hand. Dio then goes to sit on my other side and grabs my jaw and turns my head to face him. Now it wouldn't be hard for someone to see IF we weren't in a corner with people covering us. Sure they could look over, but this cafe has walls covering the views of some booths and tables. So I couldn't really get much help at the moment. Dio then talks in a low voice "Listen here human. You WILL speak to us when we want you to. If you ignore us, something could happen that you won't like so you better not try." He then lets go of my face, leaving me frozen from shock, and goes back to his side of the booth. I then snap out of it and quickly go back to the counter. Them both just watching as I scurry off, Pucci then sighs, "Not trying to be disrespectful Lord Dio, but you do know you probably just acted her away. Now she definitely won't want to talk to us." Pucci questions, Dio then smirks more "If she does then we'll just have to force her to talk to us. Doesn't she remind you of a rabbit when she freezes then scurries away?"pucci then sighs "Yes Lord Dio."
Sorry for the short chapter... I always do it at a later time so I get really sleepy. And when I try an early time, I either get sleepy or distracted. Mostly sleepy. Sorry again.
Byebyeʕ ⊃ᴥー'ʔ.。oO

~yumiko(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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