girl, idk anymore 😞

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How y'all doin? 🙂
Alright, I'm sorry for not posting in a million years. I deleted Wattpad for a little because my storage wanted to be a pain in thy buttocks 🫠..

hope people are still reading this.

Speaking of reading this very ✨bizarre✨..😏..story. thank you for the 10 something thousand reads. I didn't even think I'd get past 1,000 and I am sincerely grateful for you lovely peoples support and love 🥹❤️.

Anyways enough blabbering, let's get on with this chapter that probably won't make sense because all of the words just randomly pop up into my head 😞









* ੈ✩‧₊˚꒰১♡໒꒱* ੈ✩‧₊˚

(Y/n pov~✩)

I slowly sit up in my bed and look around before remembering that a certain female decided to waltz up to my humble abode and have a sleepover. Speaking of her, I realize she isn't where she was the last time I saw her.

I slowly get out of bed and stretch my body with a small screech before heading out of my room to look for Jolyne.

After searching every nook and crany of my apartment, I realize that she must've left. I shrug slightly before going to my kitchen and making a cup of coffee/tea (or a different beverage, we don't judge here.) And some toast.

After I was done making everything, I bring my beverage and toast out to the living room and watch TV. Right as I sat down, my little devil oversized rat coves running into the living room and jumps onto the couch.


I smile happily before it quickly falls as she steals a piece of toast from my plate and runs I set my stuff on the table as my eye twitches.

"You little cute fucking food robber!"

As I speak those words I was already chasing after Taleen around the apartment, screeching at her. Suddenly Taleen runs into my room and as I step in, she disappears. I look around in confusion and hanger.

"Taleen..I swear to keep stealing my food, I'm throwing you back into the streets."

I sigh softly and go back out into the living room to eat the last piece of my toast. As soon as I sit down I reach for my food but touch nothing but a cold plate. I quickly look at it before looking under and on the couch, under the coffee table and side table.




My Darling (yandere jjba x reader X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now