aww, can I keep it?

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I don't really have anything to say except thank you for the support. I'm surprised that I've gotten 1k+ people who've read this, even if most of them read just a chapter. Anyways I'll start now.
。❀·̩͙꙳。your pov。❀·̩͙꙳。
I really wanna skip school today but I don't want to be nagged about it later.

I'm currently sitting in the bathroom Native American style, trying to decide if I'm going to school or not.
FUCK NO! I'm not going to school with being bruised up. What if that bitch comes back for revenge? Then what, go to the nurse the second day in a row? Yea right. I'm just going to have a chill day. Maybe go outside for a walk, bring cherry along. She loves me enough to not escape... I hope. Anyways, I head down to the living room and plop on the couch. I then pull out my phone and dial the schools number to tell them I won't be there for a few days. I'll just say I'm going to a different state for a funeral.

Getting done with the phone call, i sink into the couch and sigh loudly. "Cherry, I wish you were a person.. you'd probably be really chill and kick people's asses." I speak out loud while turning to cherries cage. I got up from the couch after sitting there for a few minutes and went to my room to change.
After getting dressed I went out, there was a forest that no one ever went to so it was pretty peaceful.

Walking along the trail of the forest, I look around at all the green leaves and other types of plants. "Isn't it pretty out here cherry?" I say as I put my hand in my hoodie pocket, bringing out said animal. "I'm not gonna set you down so that's why you're going to be held or in my hoodie, sorry-" I stopped when I heard a shift in the bushes. When I got closer to the bush, the rustling stopped, then out came a possum. "Huh-" I stare at it for a minute "OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled "aren't you the cutest baby possum ive ever seen!?" I hushed at the cute baby as I crouched down. "Aww, you're so cute! I don't see a mom... Oh well, I'll be your mom now!" I said as I held my hand to it so I could pick it up, but then it hissed at me. "*Dramatic gasp* YoU dO NaT hIsS aT yOuR mOtTer!" I sold the poor frightened animal.

After a few minutes of talking to the confused and scared possum, I gently pick it up and cradle it in my arms. "There we go, time to go to your new home little one." I coo at it. "Cherry don't be jealous of the new child when you see 'em, ok?" I speak to my other child as I walk back to the apartment complex.

"Ugh, finally home-" "where were you?" I hear a voice speak, making me jump. I look up to see 2 of the Joestars, one being jotaro and the other is.. uhhhh Gino? No that's not it... Gio..? Noo, uhm.. eyes widening, I hold the new child in my other hand and point at the confused blond "GIORNO!" "Huh?" He hums startled and still confused. "Ah- sorry. I was trying to remember your name.." I say as a bead of sweat rolled down my face and scratched the back of my head comically. "Oh, its alright. We barely know each other than name wise." He says with a small soft smile. I smiled back, then I remembered the emo looking teen that was there. I turn to look at him and see his expression, 'he looks pissed' I thought, then I started to speak "hey, why are ya guys here anyways?" Giorno was about to speak but jotaro beat him to it "you weren't at school, I told you to stay by my side right?" I stood there with a blank face but turned towards the pretty blonde "what about you?" I ask, my face going back to normal. "Ah-, actually I wanted to become BETTER friends." He says with a cute smile 'omg he's so pretty!' "I uh- *AHEM*, I see. Well y'all can come in if you'd like." I smiled at both while making my way to unlock my door. Ok

"Make yourselves at home!" I said while putting cherry in her cage, and kept holding the new child. "Hey, uhh y/n?" Humming I turn toward the two who are sitting and look at Giorno. "Why do you have a baby possum? And where did you get it?" He says sweat dropping with a small smile. Looking at the cuter and more aggressive version of a rat "found 'em when going into the forest behind the building. Poor thing didn't have a mom or siblings near them, so now they're my baby!" I say showing a bright smile. They both look at me with a blank face, Giorno being the first snapped out of it and nods " I see, but do you have anything to take care of a possum." "Ah-.... No.." I look to the side with a small pout. He chuckles and jotaro grunts, "well I can help. I know a bit about animals. Plus everyone and or animal deserves a father right?" Hearing him say that I brighten up and smile widely. "YES! AH- Sorry, I mean, that would be great thanks." I say a bit too excitedly but fix that.

After talking with them, mostly giorno because jotaro would either grunt or make rude remarks, they soon said their goodbyes and go back home. I then look at the sleepy child and gush at how cute the possum baby looks. "awwwwe, I think I have a cat bed and kennel still? I'll put you in there so you don't tear the place apart. If that's what possums even do." I say as I pick them up and bring them into my room.
"Sleeeeep" I say getting into bed.
Sorry for another short ass chapter. I'll try to make them longer when summer or spring comes along, which isn't too long from now. Also I drew a hot (I think he is) new oc after my friend (best artist I know) gave me advice(when I asked) on how to make em more manly.

I need to work on side profiles still so it's more my style

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I need to work on side profiles still so it's more my style. OH ALSO please do feel free to suggest name and gender for our new possum child
Anyways hope you enjoyed or found a it interesting.
Bye bye loves ^^


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