sleep over (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)

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Hiii (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠).. sorry I lied, i got distracted by a few things ( But I'm kinda back I guess.. anyways, I'll try posting more.. hopefully that's not another lie.

Enjoy 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠'⁠∩⁠'⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。

՞߹ - ߹՞

~*Guess who's pov .-.*~

I open my eyes slowly and look around the room. When my eyes adjust to the dark I suddenly feel something bite my ankle, making me yelp in shock.


ALEEN scurries away and under the bed.. stupid overgrown rat. I get up off the bed and walk around my house. 'i swear to sweet Jesus.. if this is another one of those god damn dreams I am going to bash my head in before any one can get to me..' I thought to myself as i walk down the stairs. TALEEN suddenly appears by my side, walking with me as I look around.

I get into the kitchen, not sure why I'm in there but I am. I look around and squint my eyes before walking into the living room. "Hmmm.. nothing seems fake.." *taleen suddenly looks back into the kitchen with a hiss, making me look in the same direction. I suddenly hear taps on a window in the kitchen, so being a dumbass, I go and investigate, with a weapon of course.

Once I walk into the kitchen again, I look at the window suspiciously. The tapping starts again so I get a little closer to see what it was..

"Tree branch, seriously taleen?.. you made me all anxious for no reason.." i sigh with my eyes closed and turn around before bumping into something. I open my eyes slowly and see a blacked out figure, making my eyes widen. Suddenly the lights in the kitchen turn on and I see it was just Jolyne.

"How the hell did you get in my apartment?.." Jolyne deadpans at me as if I were stupid before speaking. "the door?.. it was unlocked" I blink slowly. "And why are you here?.." she smiles "because I couldn't sleep and thought I could come here."

It was my turn to deadpan. "You came here, broke in, almost gave me a heart attack, just because you couldn't sleep?" She nods. "Yea, you don't mind right?" Slouching over with a sigh I shake my head disapprovingly. "I suppose not.." she grabs my hand and drags me to the couch "good, because I wouldnt leave even if you wanted me to."

We sit on the couch and she grabs the tv remote, turning the TV on. "Wanna watch something spooky?" I just nod silently and watch her pick out a movie called 'run rabbit' (I watched it only because it has a bunny, it wasn't even that scary 😮‍💨, if your curious, it's on Netflix)

As we watch the movie we talked about random things before Jolyne asked a question. "Y/ you like anyone?" I look at her in confusion before shaking my head. "No, not yet at least.. why do you ask?" She shrugs before looking at me "just curious." I nod "do you like anyone?" Jolyne goes back to staring at the movie. "Yea." My eyes light up as I smile teasingly "oh~ who's the lucky person?" She blushes "Someone you won't know." I raise an eyebrow. "Where did you meet?" I say in curiosity. Jolyne shrugs "school." I hum "out school or a different one" she continues watching the TV as she speaks softly. "Ours..but they..moved away a week before you came! Yea.."
I squint slightly 'totally doesn't sound like a lie..' I thought to myself before sighing.

After the movie was over I yawned and stretch before looking at jolyne, only to see her already staring with slightly red cheeks. "I think we should go to bed.." she slowly nods and gets up off the couch, me following along with her.

I led her up to my room after turning the TV and lights off downstairs. "If you want you can take my bed. I can grab some blankets and sleep on the floor.." I say, slightly feeling awkward. Jolyne shakes her head quickly "W-we can share!" She says, slightly sounding desperate. I scratch the back of my head before nodding "I suppose that's alright, only if you're ok with it.." her expression brightens up and she nods. "I'm ok with it.."

After a minute of setting up my bed, I crawl under the covers, so does jolyne. "Y/n?.." I hum in acknowledgement, waiting for her to continue. "Uhm, is it ok if we cuddle or something?.." I look at her in confusion "you want to cuddle?" She blushes slightly "J-Just as...friends..!" I snort quietly before nodding. "Sure, okay." She quickly wraps her arms around my torso before pulling me close to her and placing her chin on my shoulder. I hear her inhale slowly as she holds me a little tighter "thanks y/n." I nod and move a little in her arms, trying my best to get comfortable before finally finding the right position.

I feel my eyes droop tiredly as I yawn "good night jolyne." She stays silent so I just assume she's asleep. I close my eyes and and slowly fall asleep myself.
~*quick jolyne pov*~

Listening to her talking is like music to my ears.. her soft breaths as she sleeps is amazing... I can't believe she actually believed her door was unlocked.. learning how to pick lock is easier then I expected, and I'm glad it was because now I can visit her whenever.

I could feel myself blush heavily as I pull her closer to me, my eyes slightly wide and a smile on my face. What are you doing to me y/n?.. why are you so perfect.. we met not to long ago yet I feel like if you were ever gone, I would die without you.. never leave me alone..if you do, I'll just have to find you again and hold you somewhere safe.. somewhere where no one will ever find you or take you away from me.. somewhere I could have you all for myself.. you only being able to look at me and no one else..

She's perfect..
she's sweet..
she's mine..
Gurl, I was making myself cringe as I wrote this, and now that I'm posting it makes me want to die, but I haven't posted In a while so..

Anyways I drew a picture of Y/n and my oc together (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I do need requests for how people want y/n to look because I feel bad having to choose..I have no clue why I do though.

Also I need ideas for the next few chapters until I get ideas on my own, my brain isnt really the best at coming up with writing ideas so I don't understand why people are liking this story.. y'all are weird for liking it but I appreciate that you do .˚⊹ ⁺‧( *'꒳'*)‧⁺ ⊹˚.

Thanks a bunch for the support!

~yumiko ♡

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