late valentine special(o'〰'o)❤

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Sorry for not posting lately. Obey me has been kicking my ass man. Stupid mean dancing demons. EVEN SIMEON IS MAKING ME UPSET😭. Also if this special chapter doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. Anyways I'll start now.

♡ ฅ૮⑉• •⑉აฅ ♡

。❀·̩͙꙳。your pov。❀·̩͙꙳。
Waking up, I check my phone to look at the time. Looking under the time, I see the date.
"Huh, it's valentine's day..."
Then realization hits me as hard as a train.
Throwing on some clothing, and doing the necessary thing needed, I pet and say goodbye to cherry and run out of my apartment (locking it of course).

"Good thing it's early in the morning.. The store wasn't crowded AND I have enough time to prepare everything for everyone. I say looking into the store bag of goodies. Walking back to my apartment complex, that is fairly close to the store, I see a valentine sale in a different store. "It won't be so bad to just take a look around, right?"

Walking into the store, I see valentine decorations all around. "Welcome! Can I help you find anything? A perfectly soft teddy bear? maybe some sweet delicious chocolate? Or maybe the loveliest of fresh flowers?" An employee asks me, seemingly appearing out of thin air. Being a little startled from the sudden appearance, I make a small squeak and snap my head their way, But I find no one there. Getting confused I looked forward again, but see man boobi- I mean a chest in my point of view. Stepping back a little, I look up to see the person's face.

 Stepping back a little, I look up to see the person's face

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(I'm in love with my boo now. Also I did draw him so please ignore my eh art skills :'))

"I'm Akane! What can I help you find today?" He asks snapping me back into reality. "Ah- actually I was gonna just look around." I say with a small smile. "Alright, let me know if you find anything love." He sends a playful wink my way. I grew a little flustered and nodded. Looking around I see cute fluffy teddy bears holding a heart shaped box on sale. Looking at the price, I'm surprised to see such a cheap price. Now, I know I said I only came in here for just a peak, BUT, I just need to buy them. I mean they're a dollar, in good quality, and come with chocolate?

Picking up some, including one for myself of course, I bring them to the counter. Akane looks at me and chuckles "I thought you came in here for "A look"?" "Yeaaa, but they're so cute, so how could I not buy them?" He just shakes his head at my response with a smile. "Besides all that, got anyone special waiting for you?" He says throwing a second wink. I shake my head "nope! But I do have a few friends who I know won't mind a few gifts." I say, giving a closed eyed smile. He chuckles once again "Well what lucky friends you have. You know I'd be super happy if I'd ever get a lovely gift from such a beautiful person like you." A smirk grows on his face as he speaks. I feel my face go a little red at the compliment but laugh it off. "You're quite funny." " I wasn't joking." He replied back, I feel my face grow a little red again. "Anyways, here you are. Hope you have a lovely valentines. See you later love~" "you too."

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