why are all of you so obsessed with my heart? at least let me live.

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Hiiii! Hope you all are having a good day, if not I hope you have a better one tomorrow!also this chapter is mostly just a dream until the end so feel free to skip it.
Alrighty now, let's start ^^.

。❀·̩͙꙳。ur pov as always。❀·̩͙꙳。
Gosh... I'm so tired.
That dream terrified me, the people, or at least the person that was talking, seemed so familiar. I only caught a wink of sleep. I sighed groggily as I walk into class. Seeing as almost everyone was seated, I side glanced at the clock. 'Only 2 minutes until class starts? I could've just brought my homework here...' I groan as I walk to my seat. Right as I sat down, the teacher walked into class, a few students entering the class after her.

Looking out the window, like in those cliche anime scenes, I sighed and close my eyes listening to both the chattering students and the falling rain. Not really helping the whole being sleepy situation, the lights were off with a few fairy lights on. Soon my eyes got heavier and put me to sleep.

Opening my eyes, I looked around and saw I was in the same classroom, though it was empty. Standing up, I saw the fairy lights flickering quickly, creeping me out a bit. I walked towards the classroom door then glanced back to get a better look at the scenery. The classroom was a mess. Text books knocked over, papers scattered, chairs and desks knocked over. There was also an eerie feeling in the air, the one of being watched, as if you were a predators prey.
Shivering at the thought of being watched, I opened the door only to see the hallway wasn't any better than the class. In fact it was worse. More papers, notebooks, and other school supplies were all over the hallways floor. Lockers were dented and opened, lights were completely off except for some that occasionally flickered, but that didn't happen much.

As I'm walking I keep asking questions in my head even though I know I won't get an answer 'How could this all happen while I was asleep? Why am I the only one here? Where is Jolyne and the others? Why wouldn't they wake me up? Did they even like me..? Did they pity me...?' I couldn't help but keep thinking about why I'm alone in my school thats a complete mess. As I look at the floor, my eyes furrowed with confusion. "is that.. blood?" I whisper "maybe the apocalypse happened, but why didn't anyone wake me up? Or how did I not hear anything? I'm sure there was a lot of noise if everything was being thrown around." I speak a little louder.

As I'm walking I hear a shuffle close to me. Freezing in place, I feel as my heart is about to jump out of my chest. When I finally built up enough courage, I slowly tun to my side but see no one. Then I looked at the floor to see I was stepping on the many scattered papers. Coming to a conclusion that as I stepped on them they shuffled under my feet. Now resuming my walk, I decided it would be best to leave the school, so I headed to the nearest exit. Reaching the door, I pushed it open, but much like my nightmare from last night, it wouldn't budge.
I feel my heart picking up even more, the same with my breathing. As sweat drop falls from my forehead, I backed away then body slam into the door but no avail. Sighing I started to walk to a different exit rubbing my sore arm.

Reaching the next exit I crossed my fingers, hoping that it would open, but to my luck it was just like the last. I glared at the door harshly, like that would do anything, and start to feel frustrated tears build up in my eyes. I turn around to try the next exits.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I screamed as I feel the built up tears finally start falling. I slam my back into the wall and slide down. I sobbed, frustrated from what's happening. "Is this a dream? Maybe like the last one... But this one feels too real. I can feel and hear everything unlike the last one. The last one I couldn't hear my footsteps, or any shuffling, the only time I could hear anything was when that one person had the audacity to invade my personal space and breath all over me. Not only that but I can feel the things happening. Like when I slammed into the door or tried opening it. The last one I could only feel the people, that have no clue what personal space is, grabbing and breathing on me. Along with the stab." I speak out my thoughts. No one's listening... Hopefully. And if they are they better not be absolute keeps!

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