passive aggressive

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Aoi  P.O.V

I walked again with Kanao to school, I walk every with Kanao to school, nothing special. To be honest nothing is special for me, I always do the same on a day, I wake up, go depressed to school, talk with the same people, always the same theme, go home, help my parents working in a restaurant, go home again, lying in my bed, looking in my phone and go asleep, every day... all 365 days... but today something happened what I wouldn't expect, something... special... so back to the actual theme, I went with Kanao into our classroom, we're in the same class, something I'm glad for. We have a new student, nothing special, every day a new student comes to school. The new student walked in and I was confused, I don't know if it's a girl or a boy, I'm not sure.

,,just sit where you want" the history teacher, Mt. Renguko, said.

Something I wouldn't expect too is that he or she sat down next to me, I was so confused, why would somebody sit next to me?

,,introduce yourself" Mt. Renguko said with his normal smile on his face.

,,I'm Inosuke Hashibira!"

So now I know it, it's a boy but he looks like a fucking girl, it kinda disgust me. He sounds chaotic, like he doesn't going to follow the rules, exactly like this.

,,Aoi, you're going to show him the school!" Mt. Renguko said.

,,wait why me?!" I asked quickly.

,,because he sat down next to you, so end of the conversation and let's start with class" Mt. Renguko smiled.

Like he said we started with class, I didn't really deal with the fact that I have to show him the school because I don't have choice.

,,hey" he whispered to me.

I tried to ignore him but he keep whispering to me and I started to get annoyed.

,,what is?" I whispered with a slight annoyed tone in my voice.

,,can you borrow me a pen?" He whispered.

,,are you too stupid to bring a fucking pen with you?" I whispered.

,,just give me one!" He whispered slightly annoyed.

,,here!" I rolled with my eyes and gave him a pen.

,,hmm, I'm calling you Passive aggressive" he hummed.

,,I'm not-" I wanted to yell.

,,you are" he laughed mean.

,,my name is Aoi!" I whispered.

,,your name is passive aggressive now" he whispered.

,,then I will call you girl!" I crossed my arms.

He just gasped and turned back to the class, yes I won the conversation! This is something special, I usually don't have conversations like this, so. It's a whole other day, different against the 364 days-

,,it's giving me a whole other feeling, my heart is beating faster and it slightly hurts" I thought.

I was noticeable confused, and Kanao started getting worried, she sat on a chair infront of me.

,,hey are you okay?" She whispered.

,,yes I'm okay, nothing to worry" I whispered.

,,just asking but you looks so stressful, are you sure?" she whispered.

,,don't worry, I'm fine" I whispered.

I turned back to the class and draw something in my note book, just something random, some flowers, a few words, a few creepy faces. It's actually never boring in history class but today, I don't know what's wrong but it's so boring today. I just sat there and I could fall asleep, I'm always tired, I could sleep the whole day, I love sleeping, when I'm asleep I can't be sad or something like that. Well while I was bored I decided how I should show Inosuke the school with the fastest way, maybe I should show him the cafeteria as last and the library as first, yeah that's a good idea, then the garden, the chill area, I'm often sleeping there on a chair when I have break. Then to the lockers, there are all the lockers of the students. Anyways I have to get a few things, I can get them while I show him the school. So it was break and first I went to the Tokito twins.

,,Yuichiro! Muichiro! When do you guys have to get the stuff for the art in art class?" I asked.

,,in two days!" Muichiro smiled and nodded proud of knowing the answers.

,,who's that girl behind you?" Yuichiro asked and pointed at Inosuke behind me.

,,says the right one, you're the one who looks like a girl" Inosuke provocated him.

,,do you wanna fight?" Yuichiro asked with a annoyed tone in his voice.

,,no one's fighting today! Come Inosuke! I will show you the school!" I said and ended the conversation.

It wasn't the same conversation as usual, we actually always talk about the class, sometimes they try to change the theme but it kinda never works.

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