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Tanjiro  P.O.V

Inosuke came back from his first school day, he looked so scared and nervous, maybe something bad happened.

,,hey Inosuke, are you alright?" I asked.

,,y-yeah, I'm fine" he answered and went into his room.

,,huh? Hey Inosuke, are you sure?" I asked before he closed the door.

,,yeah I'm fine!" He said.

,,oh it sounds like you met someone and with someone I mean a girl!" Zenitsu chuckled.

,,no I... didn't!" Inosuke hesitated.

,,but it really sounds like you met a girl!" I teased him a little.

,,tell us her name!" Zenitsu laughed.

,,no!" Inosuke simply said.

,,he said no so he met a girl!" I said.

,,shut up!" Inosuke screamed and threw a pillow at me and Zenitsu.

,,so you met a girl!" Zenitsu screamed.

,,tell me everything about her!" Zenitsu screamed and opened Inosuke's door with violence.

,,why do you wanna know that?!" Inosuke screamed.

,,because I have to know if it's the right girl for you!" Zenitsu answered.

,,I'm not even interested on her!" Inosuke screamed.

,,you're just lying!" I laughed.

,,just one hint!" Zenitsu begged.

,,okay" Inosuke sighed.

,,yes! Then we can look for her!" I cheered.

,,first, that's creepy and her eye rings are so obvious" Inosuke said.

,,what do you mean by obvious?" I asked.

,,I mean they are deep purple" Inosuke said.

,,she's not sleeping much?" Zenitsu hesitated.

,,she always sleeps, today she fell asleep in the middle of the class" Inosuke said.

,,how the fuck is this even possible?" Zenitsu tilted his head.

,,I know it's weird" Inosuke jerked with his shoulders.

,,hey what if we go to a café?" I asked.

,,why should we go to a boring café?" Inosuke asked with a bored tone in his voice.

,,we should do something social after we just moved into the city" Zenitsu said.

Like I said we went to a random café and it was a nice café, it has a Japanese style, a lot of plants. Not many people were here but it looks beautiful, it was quiet and people talked quiet. We sat at a chair right next to the kitchen, you could notice that Inosuke was super bored.

,,come on Inosuke! Isn't the café beautiful" I smiled.

,,yeah it is but I'm so bored" he sighed.

,,by the way when you're bored, you could tell us more about that girl" Zenitsu smirked.

,,no! Definitely not!" He slightly screamed.

,,come on, I wanna know something about her" I begged.

,,she can't smile" he said.

,,wait what?" I tilted my head.

,,yeah, she can't smile, she has a mood like a stone!" He said.

,,which mood?" Zenitsu asked.

,,well she's always tired and slight angry" he explained.

Maybe she has depression, well it fits like Inosuke explained.

,,I don't even know why you guys want to know things about her, we're just classmates" he sighed.

,,well I think you're lying" Zenitsu laughed.

,,I'm not into her!" He slightly screamed.

,,you're screaming, and by the way, you're trying to avoid that theme" I chuckled.

,,I'm not trying to avoid it!" He said.

,,dear Inosuke! You don't have to lie! We can help you to ask her out!" Zenitsu smiled.

,,I don't wanna ask her out!" He said.

,,nah nah! Just ask her to hang around!" Zenitsu smiled.

Inosuke  P.O.V

Why do I wanna ask her to hang out?! If Passive aggressive would say yes? Maybe I should ask her tomorrow.

,,Inosuke! You're spacing put!" Tanjiro said.

,,be quiet! I'm just thinking about something" I said.

,,are you thinking about how you should ask her out?" Zenitsu laughed.

,,no!" I lied.

Tanjiro  P.O.V

Well it sounds like he's lying but now I just waited for a waiter or waitress while Zenitsu was talking about dates and more, Inosuke was just annoyed of Zenitsu's talking.

,,can you just shut up!" Inosuke mumbled.

,,why? I'm just trying to help you! Don't be rude, pay for the date and more, you can always ask me!" Zenitsu smiled.

,,I don't wanna date her!" He said.

,,you should go in a restaurant or to a festival, a festival is a good idea" Zenitsu said.

,,just shut up and let's wait for a fucking waiter!" Inosuke said.

,,yeah I want some tea!' Zenitsu smiled.

,,yeah I want some tea too!" I smiled.

Then it was silent for a moment but suddenly two girls came in, they looked slighty drunk, they were leaning on the each others shoulder.

,,Aoi! We're here!"

Oh fuck that's a male voice- they are boys?! They have long hair, from black to blue, they looked beautiful. Suddenly Inosuke looked nervously around, did he react on that name?

,,ah good! You two came! So now you can show me the art project!" A girl with a slight angry expression came out of the kitchen.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now