the smile

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Inosuke P.O.V

After school me and Passive aggressive went into the city. It will be like a shopping trip she said, she told me we are going to a mall, to the park and to a special café, I'm kinda excited.

,,so what are we gonna do in the mall?" I asked.

,,well there are a lot of stores, where I want to go" she answered.

,,for example?" I asked.

,,a restaurant where I wanna eat, a book store, a bubble tea store and a few stores more" she answered.

,,and the park?" I asked.

,,oh right, there are a lot of sakura trees" she answered.

,,ah sounds like a beautiful park" I said.

,,yeah it is" she nodded.

,,and what is with the special café" I asked curious.

,,oh right! Well you're gonna find it out when we arrive!" She said.

Then we started walking from school into the city, a lot of people are there, I don't like it when so much people are around me. People are looking at us curious, well we look like a fucking couple, the only things who left is that we're not holding hands. It was silence between us.

,,it's so fucking cold!" She said.

,,well it's beginning of the winter, soon it will snow" I said.

,,do you like the winter?" She asked.

,,yeah winter is funny, what about you?" I jerked with my shoulders.

,,I love winter" she said while she rubbed her hand against her other hand.

,,well it's your own fault if you don't wear enough!' I said.

,,I'm wearing a lose jeans and a lose yellow hodie, I thought that's warm enough!" She said.

,,bad luck" I teased her.

,,just let's go into the mall! Before I freeze to death!" She said.

,,there you can buy a jacket!" I teased her.

,,no! I would rather wear your jacket!" She said.

I was speakless and stared at her while we went into the mall, my heart was beating fast.

,,so, where do you want to go as first?" She asked.

,,um I don't know, where do you want to go?" I was still a little bit speakless.

,,let's go to the bookstore!" She said.

Meanwhile as we were in the book store it began to snow heavily and I'm sure it will have a lot of snow at the streets, well Passive aggressive bought a few books.

,,do you read books?" She asked.

,,no, not really" I answered.

,,well you should, there are so much interesting themes you can read" she said.

,,which themes are you reading?" I asked.

,,they are pretty different, so like all" she answered.

,,well let's go to a other shop!" I said.

,,okay let's go to the bubble tea store" she nodded.

After a long shopping trip, it became night and we still weren't at the park and in the special café, we decided that Passive aggressive shows me the park and the special café tomorrow but now we went home, well we walked as first to her apartment because it's not safe to go alone as a girl what by the way really sad is- well I walked next to her, it was a lot of snow on the ground, our footprints were 10 cm deep. No people were around us, everyone was already asleep. Suddenly Passive aggressive walked behind me, I was a bit confused, and suddenly a snowball hit my back.

,,hey what was that for!?" I screamed.

But then...

A quiet giggled came from her mouth...


Is she smiling?...

She burst out of laughing and her quiet giggle became to a laugh attack, I blushed hard, it's my first time see her smile, why is it so funny to throw a snowball at me? Her smile... her smile is so cute. My heart was beating fast, I just smiled warmly, her smile fits her so much.

,,I haven't done this for years" she still laughed.

,,do you mean throwing snowballs at someone?" I smiled.

,,yes! Yes!" She smiled widely.

I just blushed and smiled happily, why is her smile and laugh making me so happy? I feel so much happiness right know and meanwhile she calmed down and wiped her tears of joy away. But she was still smiling a bit.

Aoi  P.O.V

I'm so happy, I haven't done this for many years, I really love snowball fights and he's literally perfect, but I said good bye and went into my apartment, I went in and my parents were in the kitchen, I still smiled a bit, I haven't smiled for years too. I was so happy, I felt so much happiness.

,,Aoi, you're smiling" mom smiled at me.

,,I'm so happy, I wasn't happy in years" I cheered.

I was so happy that I started crying of happiness.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now