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Inosuke  P.O.V

Today the next school day and I wanna ask Passive aggressive to go with me into the city, I don't wanna ask her out, I just wanna go with her into the city, today's the last school day anyway, we have a winter vacation. So I went to school and put my stuff into my locker and went into my class and sat down.

,,hey Passive aggressive! Do you wanna go out with me into the city?" I asked.

,,why?" She sighed.

,,I just wanna explore the city and I don't wanna go alone, so" I said.

,,don't you have any friends?" She teased me a little.

,,I have friends but I don't wanna go with them because they tease me because of you!" I slightly screamed.

,,well fine, but then I have to sleep when we have break" she crossed her arms.

,,on the uncomfortable chair?" I teased her.

,,I don't mind the uncomfortable chair" she sighed slightly angry.

,,okay if you can show me the city it's fine" I said.

,,yeah I can even though I don't know why I should" she yawned.

,,did your eye rings got better?" I asked while I looked at her eyes.

,,they are?" She stuttered.

,,yes they became from deep purple to purple" I nodded.

Aoi  P.O.V

I can't believe it... I rushed to a mirror and looked at myself and my eye rings really became better, I tried everything to get them away and now it became randomly better?... no it must have a reason. I looked behind me and saw Inosuke just standing there with a confused and slightly excited expression, I gasped and realised. He's the reason! He changed my days and it wasn't the same, I did something different, he helped me... I just stared at him with a surprise expression.

,,um is something behind me or are you starting at me?" He asked and looked behind him.

,,uh n-no, nothing is wrong" I stuttered.

,,excuse me but why the fuck are you standing up in the middle of my class right now?" Mr. Shinazugawa gave me a death stare.

,,I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I quickly sat down at my desk next to Inosuke.

I still thought about the situation, I really wanna thank him but I think he won't understand- I definitely should thank him even though he won't understand. Well after math class we had break and I said I will show Inosuke the city so, I went to the chill area and sat down on a chair and went asleep. Breaks are 30 minutes long, that would be enough, I already thought about what I should show him, the mall definitely, then the park, oh my god I have to show him the cat café.

Kanao  P.O.V

I sat next to Aoi in the chill area, well I have to take care of her because I have to wake her up when the break ends, I often read a book and listen to her, sometimes she sleep talks and I get a lot of secrets, or if I ask her something she says her honest answer in her sleep. So I took my chance.

,,hey Aoi! Are you into Inosuke?" I asked.

,,I don't know" she mumbled.

,,is he secretly making you happy?" I asked.

,,yeah definitely" she mumbled.

Yes! I knew it! They will come together! I already know it! I'm so glad for her, she's finally happy even though you can't see it but it's her honest answer, of course she's glad to have me but I think Inosuke is on a other level than me, he makes her more happy, and I'm glad to know that.

,,do you think you're in love with him?" I asked.

,,I don't know" she mumbled.

,,do you know how love feels like?" I asked.

,,no" she mumbled.

Well love is difficult to explain, it might hurt or it might feels good. Well I let her continue sleeping peacefully and continued reading my book, it's about an abusive relationship where a girl tortures her boyfriend and then he decides break up and his life is getting better and then he meets a lovely girl. Well every break I read more than 40 pages and if I'm finish with it I will start a new one, I really love the book store and the library, I'm really often at the local library. Well the 30 minutes passed very fast and I had to wake Aoi up, I gently shaked her, she sleeps like a stone sometimes but today she quickly woke up and then we walked back to our class.

,,so what are you gonna do today?" I asked.

,,well I will show Inosuke the city" she answered.

,,do you mean date or more like a shopping trip?" I smiled.

,,nah I think a shopping trip" she said.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now