obvious date

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Aoi  P.O.V

It was 18 p.m and I waited infront of Inosuke's apartment. I just wore my lose jeans and my lose yellow hodie, I'm so stupid, why am I so stupid? I hope it won't get that cold, suddenly Inosuke and Tanjiro came out, well Tanjiro went somewhere and I stood infront of Inosuke and it was a awkward silence and I just smiled warmly.

,,uh I got this for you!" He blushed slightly and reached out a red scarf.

,,thank you!" I smiled and also blushed slightly.

I wrapping the scarf around my neck, I think it fits my outfit, well it was already dark and it's getting cold, so it's perfect, that's such a cute present.

,,so let's go!" I smiled.

,,so where are we going?" He stuttered.

,,I thought I'm going to show you the special café, at this time there are not so many people" I smiled a bit.

,,what about the park?" He asked confused.

,,well the park is closed" I laughed a bit.

Inosuke  P.O.V

Zenitsu was right?! She really invited me to a date! Was that on purpose? But the scarf fits her so good, she looks cute with it. But I'm really excited what kind of café it's going to be, I mean why is it so special? Suddenly we heard two people screaming, one of them sounded like Tanjiro, well it turned out they were Tanjiro, Muichiro and Yuichiro.

,,what are you guys doing here?" Passive aggressive asked.

,,we are just running around, no one's here, so" Yuichiro jerked with his shoulders.

,,ey you're smiling!" Muichiro pointed at Passive aggressive.

,,I know!" She smiled widely.

,,soo... How's the date?" Muichiro smirked.

We both blushed hard and I turned away and she covered her face with the scarf I gave her, they just laughed.

,,t-that's not a date!" I blushed.

,,sure, you're blushing!" Yuichiro teased me.

,,because you have said that!" I said.

,,yeah yeah, no need to lie! It's nothing to be embarrassed for!" Muichiro smiled and made this heart symbol with his hands.

Aoi  P.O.V

I just was silent while Inosuke got teased by the others, my heart was beating fast and I had a weird feeling, a stabbing pain in my heart. My mouth was covered with the scarf, and I just listened to the conversation.

,,listen maybe she didn't told you and it's secretly a date!" Tanjiro smiled.

,,oh my god, how smart Aoi!" Muichiro smiled and everyone was looking at me.

,,huh?! What?" I was speakless.

,,doesn't matter! Now let's go!" Inosuke said, took me by the shoulder and started walking.

My heart was literally exploding and I blushed so hard, this pain- why do I have this pain in my heart, what is that? I'm so confused, I have to ask my mother, she must know it. Well we walked for a while and I calmed down.

,,hey are you okay?" He asked with a slight worried tone in his voice.

,,uh yeah I'm okay" I nodded quickly.

,,sure?" He asked again.

,,yeah nothing to worry about!" I answered.

,,by the way, your eye rings got better again!" He smiled.

,,really?" I smiled.

,,yeah!" He smiled and nodded.

,,I'm glad!" I smiled.

,,so where are we going?" He asked.

,,we're going to a cat café!" I smiled widely.

,,wait, explain" he tilted his head.

,,stupid, that's a café with cats!" I laughed.

,,I'm not stupid, I just didn't understand" he crossed his arms.

I just giggled on his comment, I'm excited, well went to the café, I'm not often there, I don't know why-


Me and Inosuke really had fun at the cat café, but now I went home and I immediately asked my mother about the pain in my heart.

,,um mom, what does it mean when you have a stabbing pain in your heart?" I asked.

,,oh honey, you're in love!" She had a wide smile on her face.

,,wait really?" I tilted my head.

,,yeah, who is it?" She asked excited.

,,um just someone at school" I mumbled.

,,love can be difficult, I can explain everything, just ask me!" She smiled.

Then she noticed the red scarf, who Inosuke gave me, around my neck.

,,is that a present?" She smiled warmly.

,,yeah he gave me this" I slightly blushed.

,,aww I already see he's gentle!" She smiled.

Well Inosuke is gentle, he just was rude to me at the beginning, but he became kind and gentle, after the conversation I went in my room and lied down on my bed, I just thought about what my mom said, am I really in love? Well I think so, and I think he's too, he gave me this scarf, he's cute and pretty. I just hugged the scarf and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now