the argument

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Aoi  P.O.V

Four days passed and my parents found my scars on my arms, they yelled at me and asked me why I should do something like that, I just yelled back at them, I locked my room and just tried to ignore their screams infront of my door.


It was night and I decided to run away, it's not the first time, doing this, so I know what I need. I didn't knew where I should go, I didn't want to go to Kanao because it's kinda weird because she's related with Mrs. Kocho. Maybe I should go to Inosuke?- I decided to take a hotel for one night, and tomorrow I will ask to stay at their apartment, well we only have two days left until school starts again.

,,I would like to book one night!" I smiled.

,,sure, room 9!" The guy on the hotel things gave me the key.

I went to my room and put down my few things, I just have a little bag, well it's enough. So I decided to go asleep and tomorrow I will ask Inosuke.

Inosuke  P.O.V

It was 10 a.m in the morning as suddenly someone knocked on our apartment door, we were a little bit confused but we opened the door and saw Passive aggressive with a bag.

,,uh what's wrong?" Zenitsu asked confused.

,,I wanted to ask if I might could stay here, for a long time?" She hesitated.

,,what happened?" I asked.

,,well I had a argument with my parents, and I ran away, it's actually nothing new for me, well I always slept on the sidewalk but I wanted to ask that I might stay here" she explained.

,,of course, but you have to sleep on the couch" Tanjiro smiled.

,,or with Inosuke in his bed!" Zenitsu smirked.

We both blushed hard and turned away, well we let her stay here, even though it's kinda weird, I mean a apartment with three boys and one girl? Well she slept on sidewalk when she ran away? Isn't that uncomfortable?

Aoi  P.O.V

I'm so glad that I can stay, so me and Inosuke were in his room, lying on his bed, I just lied next to him, in his bed, we just talked.

,,so you always slept on the sidewalks when you ran away?" He laughed a bit.

,,yeah, well I didn't knew where I should go, so" I jerked with my shoulders.

,,you can always ask me for help, Aoi!" He smiled warmly.

Did he just called me by my real name, finally! I just smiled warmly.

,,hmm your real name sounds kinda better" he hummed.

I just burst out of laughing, and he also laughed a bit. I'm glad that he's calling me by my real name now, I already thought if I should sleep in his room but it would be kinda suspicious if I sleep in a room with a boy alone, you know? So I will sleep on the couch, the couch is definitely more comfortable than the hard sidewalk.

,,so how long do you think you're gonna stay?" He asked.

,,I don't know, it's randomly, sometimes I ran away for two months or sometimes just for a week" I answered.

,,good to know" he laughed a bit.

Tanjiro  P.O.V

,,that's such a dream couple" I said.

,,yeah, they look cute together" Zenitsu said.

,,Muichiro says Aoi really changed since she met Inosuke" I smiled.

,,what do you mean by that?" He tilted his head.

,,Aoi actually never smiled, and she always had the same day, nothing different but as she met Inosuke, she started feeling better and more alive, you know? And she started smiling" I explained.

,,oh that's such a interesting love story!" He smiled.

,,I know!" I smiled.

It quickly became night and we prepared anything for Aoi, a blanket, a few pillows and a few things more, but before me, Zenitsu and Inosuke went asleep, she wanted to tell us something.

,,what's wrong?" Inosuke asked confused.

,,well I have to warn you guys" Aoi said.

,,warn about what? Do you have a bad habit?" Zenitsu tilted his head.

,,well sometimes, I'm suffering on a sleep paralysis, but it's rare, but I just wanna warn you guys" she said.

,,what happens if you have a sleep paralysis?" I asked curious.

,,well I will scream, cry, sweating, moving around very fast and a few things more" she answered.

,,must be hard" Inosuke said.

,,yeah it is but it's really rare but I just wanted you guys to know about it" she smiled a bit.

,,so do you need something else?" Inosuke asked.

,,no it's perfect!" She smiled.

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