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Inosuke  P.O.V

I went home and Tanjiro and Zenitsu were still up, they were sitting on the couch.

,,why do you look so happy? What happened?" Tanjiro smiled.

,,I'm so happy guys, you guys can't even imagine!" I smiled.

,,did you hang around with Aoi?" Zenitsu smirked.

,,I'm going to sleep guys, good night!" I smiled and went into my room.

I went into my room and let my body fall on the bed, I'm so happy, I'm so happy. Her smile is so beautiful, I could talk hours about her smile and laugh, but now it was already middle of the night and I decided to go asleep.

Aoi  P.O.V

I woke up in the morning, like around 6 a.m and I wasn't tired at all! I still smiled a bit, I got up and directly went out for a walk, I still wore the same things like yesterday, my lose jeans and my lose yellow hodie but today I wore a jacket and a scarf too. Not too much people were awake at this time but a few were already in the city around. Suddenly I saw Inosuke, with his friends, Tanjiro and Zenitsu, I smiled and took snow from the ground and formed a snowball. I aimed on Inosuke's back and threw it on his back, he turned around and I just laughed.

Inosuke  P.O.V

Passive aggressive is up at 6 a.m? I thought she would sleep through the whole vacation. She threw a snowball at me again and I could see her smile and laugh again, I blushed and smiled. She just smiled and waved to me, I just waved back and smiled.

,,aww you're blushing!" Zenitsu smirked.

,,shut up!" I screamed and punched him.

She started walking up to us and she just kept smiling, I love this smile so much, I can talk hours about her and her smile.

,,I thought you would sleep through the whole vacation" I teased her a little.

,,I don't know, I woke up a few minutes ago and I wasn't tired at all" she smiled a bit.

I just smiled and blushed slightly, I hope she won't notice it, with my side eye I could see Tanjiro and Zenitsu smirking at me.

,,well let's meet at 18 p.m! Then I can show you the city!" She smiled and walked away.

,,h-hey! Where should I meet you?" I screamed with hope she would reply because she already was a little bit far away.

,,at your apartment!" She screamed back, smiled and waved.

,,bro you just got invited to a date" Zenitsu smirked.

,,oh you're going on a date!" Tanjiro smiled.

,,that's not a date! She's just showing me the city!" I said with a slight irritated tone in my voice.

,,oh how cute!" Zenitsu smiled.

,,that's not a date!" I screamed.

,,where are you two going?" Tanjiro asked.

,,she will show me the park and a special café, like she said" I answered.

,,a special café? So it's a date!" Tanjiro teased me a little.

,,I don't know!" I screamed.

,,well, I will give you some tips!" Zenitsu smiled.

,,oh hell no!" I tried to avoid the theme.

,,nah nah! Don't avoid the theme now! So you should always hold the door for her!" Zenitsu said.

,,give her a present!" Tanjiro smiled.

,,pay lunch for her!" Zenitsu smiled.

,,try to ask her to stay for the night" Tanjiro smiled.

,,hell nah! Why should I ask her to stay a night?!" I screamed.

,,I don't know, by the it's okay, I'm not home today and tomorrow" Tanjiro jerked with his shoulders.

,,where are you going?" Zenitsu asked skeptic.

,,just to a friend's apartment" he answered.

,,b-but what should I do then? I'm alone?" Zenitsu stuttered.

,,I don't know, visit something, explore something, I don't know" Tanjiro jerked with his shoulders.

,,or stay at home and watch some movies" I said.

,,yes I'm gonna do that! I've never really been alone at home!" Zenitsu screamed.

,,good for you!" I screamed back.

,,well then has everyone something to do!" Tanjiro smiled.

,,are you going to Muichiro and Yuichiro?" I asked.

,,yeah I am and we are going to go around in the city so like at 3 a.m or 4 a.m" Tanjiro answered.

,,can I go with you?!" Zenitsu begged.

,,no this is going to be my own experience with them in the city, maybe next time we can go" he smiled.

,,however guys" I rolled with my eyes.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now