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Inosuke  P.O.V

Passive aggressive looks really tired, so like she wouldn't sleep or she takes drugs. She's kinda annoying but at the same time I wanna stay at her side, she always looks angry and annoyed, is she even able to smile? It doesn't look so, the thought about this makes me laughed a little.

,,what's so funny?" She asked.

,,just the thought that you looks like a person who never sleeps" I laughed.

,,I sleep more than I actually should!" She said.

,,but you don't look so!" I laughed.

,,that's non of your business!" She said.

,,bro you have eye rings! It looks like you're taking drugs!" I teased her.

She just gasped and get teary eyes, she turned away, did I took it too far? I didn't want her to cry, I just wanted to tease her a little. She just faced me her back while tears were hitting the ground.

,,hey don't cry! I don't know how to handle this!" I screamed.

,,let's continue!" She said, trying to hold her tears.

So she showed me the library, it was very still there, well normal for a boring library. I kinda felt bad for her, I mean I didn't meant to hurt her feelings, I just wanted to tease her, that's all. Maybe I should take it down for a while and stop teasing her, then she showed me the school garden, many flowers, a few trees, very green gras and meanwhile Passive aggressive calmed down and got her normal mood back, tired and slightly angry.

,,hey Passive aggressive, are you okay now?" I asked.

,,yeah I'm okay now" she answered with a slight angry tone in her voice.

,,why do you sound like this? Aren't you even able to smile?" I teased her a little.

,,no I can't smile to be honest" she nodded simply.

,,huh?! What?! Don't lie to me!" I screamed.

,,I'm not lying! Idiot!" She screamed back.

,,don't call me idiot!" I screamed.

,,then don't call me Passive aggressive!" She screamed.

,,but that's your name!" I screamed.

,,my name is Aoi Kanzaki!" She screamed.

,,but your name is Passive aggressive!" I lowered my voice to a normal talk.

,,however" she sighed annoyed.

Aoi  P.O.V

I really love the flowers in the garden, they look so alive different against me, but Inosuke is right... I'm really not able to smile, even though I want to smile but I don't know why I should. Not like I hate my parents, but they ignoring my problems and that pretty hurt my feelings, I already have depression so what should I do that they notice my problems... kill myself? I don't think about such things, I don't wanna kill myself but harming myself... I do harm myself but not often, just when I have a mental breakdown. I was spacing out but Inosuke punched me and I came back.

,,hey! That hurt!" I said.

,,you spaced out" he said.

,,uh... uh t-thank you" I stuttered.

,,why are you thanking me?" He tilted his head.

,,I often space out and it tooks long to wake up again" I stuttered.

,,uh you're welcome" he didn't knew what he should say.

,,let's go to the chill room" I got my normal mood back.

,,what's that?!" He asked excited.

,,there you can go when you want to read or hang out with your friends" I answered.

,,are you there often?" He asked.

,,I often sleep there" I answered.

,,are there beds too?" He asked in a dumb way.

,,no! Why would be beds there?! I sleep on chairs! Dumbass!" I said.

,,but that isn't comfortable at all!" He said.

,,well I doesn't mind, as long I can sleep I doesn't mind!" I said.

,,you're so lazy!" He chuckled.

,,I'm not lazy! I'm just tired, all time" I said without using the word depression.

,,yeah lazy, what I said" he teased me.

,,just let's go to the chill area" I sighed.

It's so special for me to have such a different day, why do I love this feeling so much, even though I don't really like him, I wanna stay at his side, of course I'm annoyed but at the same time I love it. So we went to the chill area, there's Kanao usually but she wasn't there, weird.

,,the area is huge" he smiled.

,,yeah I really love the chill area" I said with an empty tone in my voice.

,,please don't say such things with a monotoned voice" he smiled crooked.

,,why so?" I tilted my head.

,,because it's creepy when you're saying something like that because it looks like you don't love it, it looks like you hate it" he explained.

,,oh I understand, I will keep saying this" I sighed.

,,alright" he mumbled and sighed while he was a bit confused of my answer.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now