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Inosuke  P.O.V

In the morning me and Aoi went to school, we actually thought about staying home but Tanjiro and Zenitsu threw us out to go to school. I noticed Aoi was stumbling around a bit and I thought she might has fever, with my senses I can check that but the way to check is a bit difficult- well to check it I have to put my forehead on her forehead, well I decided to check her while we have break, first two classes we had double class math- and of course Mt. Shinazugawa sweared at us because we didn't understand- as it was break everyone went out of the classroom expect me what makes Aoi to stay here too.

,,what's wrong?" She titled her head.

,,I think you're sick!" I said.

,,no, don't worry about me, I'm fine" she tried to avoid the theme.

,,I can check that" I said.

,,how?" She asked confused.

,,just let me do it" I blushed.

,,what are you gonna do?" She asked slightly panicked.

,,don't worry, it will take 10 seconds" I said.

,,it won't hurt right?!" She asked quickly.

,,yeah it won't" I nodded.

I closed my eyes and put my forehead on her forehead, I knew we both were blushing so hard and she also tried her best to not freak out, our faces were so close together that I also tried my best to not freak out but now I know she has fever.

,,you have fever" I blushed.

,,ah thank you for telling me" she put her hands on her face to hide her hard blush.

We both just stood infront of each other hard blushing, she also wore the red scarf again, we both looked away and were silent.

Kanao  P.O.V

In the morning as Aoi arrived the school and I saw her smiling... I haven't seen her smile in years... and I'm sure it's because Inosuke and her eye rings are barely there, I'm so glad to see her smile and she wears a red scarf, it fits her pretty much. So it was break and I accidentally forgot my lunch in the classroom so I went back and saw Inosuke and Aoi on my way.

,,ah Kanao! I wanted to invite you to something" Aoi smiled.

,,yeah, to what?" I smiled back.

,,so Inosuke just told me that he, Zenitsu and Tanjiro planned to go into a bar and I can invite someone" she smiled.

,,when, and who will be there?" I asked.

,,at the weekend, me, you, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Muichiro and Yuichiro" she answered.

,,okay I will be there" I nodded.

I'm the protective friend, if you know what I mean, I never drink alcohol and take care of my friends and then Aoi, she's the one who easily lost her control when she's drunk, so I can take care of her, I think this is going to be funny and I already know Muichiro and Yuichiro but I can know Zenitsu and Tanjiro there, new friends is always a cool thing.


Inosuke  P.O.V

Today we had a very long school day, from 8 a.m to 5 p.m and Aoi's fever became badder and she started feeling dizzy, so as we walked home I carried her on my back, I knew it was a bad idea to go into school today and I will kill Tanjiro and Zenitsu for that, I touched Aoi's forehead and the fever got badder again.

,,it's getting worse" I thought.

I still had 10 minutes left until we would arrive the apartment and Aoi already passed out because of that bad fever.

,,don't worry, Aoi, you will be fine" I promised.

So I arrived and quickly knocked on the door and Tanjiro opened the door, he just stared at me with a shocked expression.

,,Aoi doesn't seemed to do well, what's wrong?" He asked slightly worried.

,,goddammit, she has very bad fever! Now help me guys!" I answered slightly irritated.

I went in and I put her down on the couch, we covered her with a blanket and we got a thermometer to see how bad the fever is.

,,it says 39.5°" Tanjiro said.

,,are you fucking seriously?!" I screamed angrily.

,,hey, listen, we have good medicine! I will get it, wait a moment" Tanjiro smiled crooked and went into the kitchen.

,,where the fuck is the yellow fry?" I asked irritated.

,,Zenitsu's in his room, sleeping" he answered.

,,how annoying" I sighed.

,,I heard that!" He yelled through the door.

,,so you're not sleeping, like Tanjiro said!" I screamed.

,,it's fucking 6 p.m it's getting dark anyway" he screamed.

,,can you both be quiet please! Aoi need to rest" Tanjiro said.

Like he said we were quiet and we gave her medicine, she was sleeping right know.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now