staying on her side

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Inosuke  P.O.V

It was the first night for Aoi staying here and she said she's sometimes suffering on a sleep paralysis, but it's rare, she said, but if she has one we shouldn't mind it when we hear her screaming. But I was kinda worried about her even though she said it's normal, so I went out of my room and went to the living room, and saw Aoi lying on the couch, moving hectic. She was screaming, sweating and crying, she was hugging her red scarf tightly, I felt so bad for her, that's horrible to look at... I sat down on the ground next to her and took her hand tightly.

,,it must be hard" I sighed.

As I held her hand, she calmed down a little and didn't moved anymore, but she still was sweating and crying. I put her hair away from her face and just stayed at her side, I just hummed a random song until I fell asleep too.

Aoi  P.O.V

I slowly woke up and noticed Inosuke was sleeping on my side, he stayed the whole night with me?... that's so cute, I got teary eyes, he was holding my hand. So that's the reason why the sleep paralysis wasn't that worse, I'm so thankful, how can I thank him for this?I'm so happy to have him on my side. Suddenly Inosuke opened his eyes, we just stared at the each other and blushed.

,,eh?! Good morning!" He blushed and quickly stood up.

,,good morning" I smiled widely.

,,eh I heard you screaming and crying at night, so I decided to look after you and yeah then!" He said.

,,thank you!" I smiled.

As he walked to kitchen I quickly stood up and ran up to him and hugged him from behind.

,,I really wanna thank you for that! It's nothing usual for me, you know?" I smiled widely and slightly screamed.

Even though I couldn't see it, I knew he was blushing and that makes me blushing too. But that was a good way to thank him for that.

Inosuke  P.O.V

Aoi hugged me from behind and I blushed so hard, I could feel her chest on my back-

,,you're so warm, I could fall asleep again" she mumbled and yawned.

,,hey don't fall asleep on my back!" I blushed hard.

She just laughed and stopped hugging me.

,,so do you want anything for breakfast?" I asked.

,,I didn't knew that you can cook" she looked at me surprised.

,,I can't cook! But I will try my best! I swear!" I slightly screamed.

,,well I don't need anything! But I can cook! I could make breakfast for you guys!" She smiled.

,,I wanna help you!" I said.

,,of course you can help me!" She smiled.

Tanjiro  P.O.V

I'm already up and I just listened to Aoi's and Inosuke's conversation, it's kinda funny to listen to their conversation, I heard something with cooking, are they making breakfast together? That would be amazing if Aoi can cook, because me, Inosuke and Zenitsu can't cook- well after a while I decided to go out of my room.

,,good morning! Dream couple!" I smiled.

They just blushed and stared at me while Aoi was making breakfast and Inosuke was helping her. Well then Zenitsu woke up too, he said we were too loud.

,,oh you made breakfast, Aoi?" Zenitsu asked happily.

,,yeah she did! And I helped her!" Inosuke smiled proudly.

We all sat at the kitchen table, we all ate breakfast except Aoi, she just watched us eating while she smiled warmly.

,,why aren't you eating?" Zenitsu asked confused.

,,well I don't have much appetite, I only eat in the evening" she answered.

,,nothing more?" I tilted my head.

,,no, but I don't need more because I'm actually sleeping the whole day, so I can't even be hungry" she smiled.

,,anyway tomorrow's school again" Inosuke said.

,,I'm not happy about it" she smiled crooked.

,,more torture from Mt. Tomioka" Inosuke laughed.

,,oh god please no!" She laughed a bit.

,,why torture?" I asked confused.

,,well Mt. Tomioka's really strict and often slaps his lazy students, he class sport" Aoi explained.

,,damn must be hard" Zenitsu was already scared of him even though he never saw him.

,,yeah it is" Inosuke mumbled.

,,even though I don't have my school bag I will borrow things, most of my things are in my locker" she said.

They both told us a lot about their school, their math teacher, Mt. Shinazugawa, swears at students, their art teacher, Mrs. Kanroji, always tries to be positive, their biology teacher, Mt. Iguro, is always angry at students. And there are also a lot of humors, like Mrs. Kanroji and Mr. Iguro are secretly dating, even though he says he hates women.

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