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Aoi  P.O.V

Then we went to the cafeteria to eat something, I thought he would go somewhere to eat alone but he stayed at my side.

,,why the fuck are you still here?" I asked confused.

,,am I not allowed to?!" He asked, slightly irritated.

,,I mean why would you stay at my side" I asked.

,,I don't know, don't you want to?" He asked while he was eating his sandwich.

,,uh it doesn't matter" I stuttered.

Even though it doesn't matter if he's here, I want a another person to talk, and with my luck, Kanao came into the cafeteria.

,,hey Kanao! Please sit with me!" I begged.

She just looked to Inosuke who was eating lunch and gave me a smutty smirk and went out.

,,no Kanao! Stay here" I begged without any hope that she would come back.

,,I have to do something!" She yelled back while she already opened the door to the garden.

Kanao  P.O.V

Is Aoi trying to ask out that new student? Well I'm excited if it works, to be honest I think so, Aoi really needs someone to love, so badly. I wish she could feel better but I don't know how I should do this, so I hope he can help her. So I was in the school garden and watered the flowers, Kanae really love them, I have to introduce my family, I have two sister, Shinobu and Kanae. We are the butterfly sisters, Kanae is a teacher in our school and Shinobu is on a job training, I live with them in a apartment.

,,ah Kanao! Why aren't you with Aoi at the cafeteria?" Kanae smiled.

,,I think Aoi is trying to ask out the new student" I smiled back.

,,oh Inosuke Hashibira?" She asked and smiled.

,,yes, I think they fit" I nodded.

,,well I'm excited" she smiled.

Aoi  P.O.V

I sat with Inosuke at a table in the cafeteria and Inosuke noticed that I wasn't eating anything.

,,why are you not eating? Are you too poor to pay for lunch?" He teased me.

,,no, I just don't have much appetite" I sighed.

I just eat one time on a day, in the evening I eat something, nothing else, well I sleep the whole day except when I have school.

,,well your own choice" he jerked with his shoulders and turned back to his lunch.

By the way, a random thought I got was that Inosuke said I have eye rings, of course I have eye rings but are they so obvious?

,,are my eye rings that obvious?" I asked randomly.

,,yeah, you can see them, they are so obvious" he answered.

,,oh okay" I nodded.

,,why do you even have eye rings? I thought you're sleeping all time" he laughed.

,,yeah you're right, I'm sleeping when I have free time but I don't know why I have them" I said.

,,but it really looks like you're high or something like that" he mumbled.

,,I'm not high!" I slightly screamed.

,,oh come on! I didn't said that, I just said you look like this" he teased me.

,,uh whatever" I rolled with my eyes.

Then the breaks ends and we went back to our class, but I was so tired that I fell asleep in the middle of the class.

Inosuke  P.O.V

Did she just fell asleep? I mean what should I do now? I was so confused, how is she even able to fall asleep in the middle of the class, she's more lazier than I thought.

,,hey, just punch her a little, then she will wake up" a girl infront of us whispered.

That must be Kanao, right? Well I didn't mind it and punched her, and she quickly woke up.

,,hey did you punched me?!" She asked with a irritated tone in her voice.

,,that girl infront of us said I should punch you a litte, you fell asleep" I said.

,,a little, you're not supposed to kill me!" She said as she rubbed her arm where I hit her.

,,this I just going to be a bruise don't worry!" I rolled with my eyes.

,,never hit me again! Do you hear me?" She gave me a death stare.

,,uh yeah" I quickly nodded and looked nervously at my desk.

She became serious, that's kinda scary, I never felt so afraid of a girl but now I'm literally scared of her, even though I'm never really afraid of anything, then we just continued class like nothing happened, but I still was nervous, it felt like she's staring at me but she wasn't. It was more worse than a horror movie, as school ends, I quickly went home, I have a apartment share with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, they don't go to school, they have home schooling.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now