new friends

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Inosuke  P.O.V

Wait what is Passive aggressive doing here?! And why is she in the kitchen?! Is she working here?! We just stared at the each other.

,,wait?! Passive aggressive?!" I asked confused.

,,what the fuck are you doing here?!" She asked.

,,Passive aggressive? I thought you're sleeping in your free time!?" I asked.

,,does this shit looks like free time?!" She asked slight irritated.

Muichiro  P.O.V

I think Aoi's into Inosuke, I'm just honest. Well love is hard to find but it starts with teasing and then it will become something serious, well I'm actually not that romantic type but I really love to see my friends in love. I just smirked and Yuichiro noticed it and then he smirked too because he knew why I was smirking.

,,oh come on guys, just say it! Aoi and uh- Inosuke, right? Whatever, you guys are in love!" I smiled and made a heart symbol with my hands.

They just both blushed hard and turned away, me and Yuichiro burst out of laugher, the other two guys too, that one guy with the slight reddish hair and the other guy with the blond hair were laughing too.

,,I'm not in love!" Aoi said.

,,don't lie to yourself" Yuichiro laughed.

,,I have to go!" She said and ran into the kitchen, up to her apartment, her parents just looked at us confused but we still laughed.

Aoi  P.O.V

I ran up to my apartment and went in my room, oh my god, they really have said that, that's not true! We're just friends, or like classmates. But well, I will think about this tomorrow, when I have school again, but now I just went asleep, I was so tired, it was 3 p.m usually I go asleep at 2 p.m when I got home and then I stand up at 6 p.m to eat something and then I will go asleep again.

,,I guess they just wanna tease me, right?" I mumbled to myself before I fell asleep.

Tanjiro  P.O.V

Meanwhile the two boys introduced themselves, they are twins, Muichiro and Yuichiro. Muichiro is the more funny one and Yuichiro is the more aggressive one, well Yuichiro talked with Zenitsu, they are so different but it's funny. Muichiro sat down very close to me and wrapped his one arm around me and came very close to my face and smirked, I blushed hard and thought he would kiss me next moment, but suddenly he stepped back and started chuckled.

,,sorry, that's just my broken humor" he laughed.

,,oh I understand, are you flirting with all of your friends?" I laughed a bit.

,,not everyone but most of them" he laughed.

,,well I'm glad to be your friend, you know? I just moved in this city!" I smiled.

,,I could show you the city if you want to" he smiled.

Inosuke just sat there, thinking about something and drank his tea while I had a funny talk with Muichiro. And Zenitsu talked with Yuichiro about his anxiety, I would say Yuichiro would beat up anyone who bother him, then Muichiro who likes to tease his friends in a kind and lovely way. I already like them so much.

,,hey are you going to school, or are you working somewhere?" Muichiro asked.

,,well I have home schooling" I answered.

,,oh I understand, maybe I will come visit you" he said.

,,well I have a apartment share, but I think it's fine" I said.

,,even better! I guess with Zenitsu and Inosuke, am I right?" He asked.

,,yes, you're right" I smiled and nodded.

Yuichiro  P.O.V

Zenitsu has an interesting character, well he's a real dating guy and I'm never romantic, he told me a lot of things about dating, I think he dated many women before.

,,hey, Yuichiro, we have to go, we still have to make that stupid art project" Muichiro said.

,,okay, well see you next time!" I sighed.

Then we went out and walked back to our apartment, we live alone in a small apartment.

,,they kinda fits us, right?" Muichiro said.

,,I think so" I jerked with my shoulders.

,,but they have home schooling, that's not cool bro, I wish they could go to our school" he sighed.

,,well we can visit them, you know we're good in finding someone's apartment" I laughed a bit.

,,we actually just wanted to show Aoi our art project and now we got new friends" he smiled.

,,yeah that's good, we don't have many friends, so" I smiled a bit.

,,what does not many means?! Our friends are more than enough" he laughed a bit and punched my arm a little.

,,but we should finish the art project, we literally had two months to do that but we started with it yesterday" I said.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now