still smiling

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Inosuke  P.O.V

Meanwhile it was 11 p.m and Tanjiro and Zenitsu went asleep except me, I stayed up and watched Aoi, she was still sleeping and she sweated much so I wiped her sweat away. I still hoped she would open her eyes so I could even talk to her to something like that, I just sat next to the couch and watched her sleeping but as suddenly she slowly opened her eyes I jumped up.

,,you're up!" I whispered cheerfully to not wake the others up.

,,what happened?" She mumbled.

,,well don't you remember? Your fever became worse and you passed out, so we treated you" I said.

,,no, no, no, I hate being sick, please tell me the fever got better!" She got tears in her eyes and quickly put her forehead on my forehead.

I just blushed very hard on that sudden move but her temperature just got a little bit better and we still were in the same position.

,,it just got a little bit better, you should stay at home" I blushed.

,,I hate being sick, please I want to be healthy" she started crying.

,,I know it's not cool being sick but you have to go through" I sighed.

,,oh come on, I don't wanna go through" she sighed.

,,the only thing I can do is giving me medicine and stay here" I said.

,,wait who gave me medicine?" She asked confused.

,,I did" I answered.

,,ah thank you" she smiled a bit.

Meanwhile she laid back on the couch and we started having a normal conversation and I told her Tanjiro and Zenitsu will go to book the bar for us alone.

,,we're going to be alone there?" She asked excited.

,,yeah I think this is going to be funny, anyway how old is Kanao?" I asked.

,,Kanao's 15 and I'm 16" she answered.

,,ah bad news, like Muichiro and Yuichiro she can't drink alcohol" I said.

If you go into a bar you have to be 16 years old to drink alcohol, me, Aoi, Zenitsu and Tanjiro are 16 years old and can drink, then Kanao, Muichiro and Yuichiro are 15 years old and can't drink, well bad luck.

,,well she wouldn't even drink if she's 16 years old because she's the protective friend, if you know what I mean" she giggled.

,,anyway it's getting close to new year" I smiled.

,,I'm happy" she smiled.

Even though she's pretty sick she still smiles, her smile is so alive and I just smiled back. I'm sure she just smiles because I'm here and that's the most thing I'm happy about, she was so different before she met me, basically she was doing the same every day before she met me and it wasn't even on purpose to change it but she changed me too, I got more kind and careful because of her and I started having feelings for her and I actually wanna ask her to be my girlfriend- and she seems to act like me, she's probably in the same situation as me, in two weeks is already new year and I made a plan, on new year I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, it would be a dream.

,,I'm sure you will be healthy on the weekend, no for sure already on Thursday" I smiled and put her hair away from her face.

,,well I'm so excited about it!" She smiled widely.

,,anyway what about your parents?" I asked randomly.

,,I don't know, I think someday I will talk to them again, maybe in a few weeks or more" she giggled.

I already was tired and I couldn't even kept opening my eye and I fell asleep on her side.

Aoi  P.O.V

Did... did he just randomly fell asleep? He must be very tired, he sat on the ground next to me and lied his head down on the couch, I felt tired too so I decided to go asleep too, I stroked his hair and hummed a random song and I started falling asleep, this day was very exhausting, at the morning I already felt sick but then it became worse and we had a very long school day and I passed out, I was sweating much and I actually wanted to remove the blanket I was covered with but if I will do this I won't get healthy, but at least I covered Inosuke with a other blanket, so he wouldn't freeze. He asked me about my parents, like he cares about them.

,,how hilarious" I laughed a bit.

I still thought for a moment before I got a comfortable sleeping position and fell asleep.

feeling alive [Aoi X Inosuke] (demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now