iii. the announcement

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Althea fixed her wedding gown with a frown, her dress matched her sisters in style but she picked the color to be grey. She wanted her sister to be the center of attention, not her. Althea just wanted to make the announcement of her marriage and leave with her husband and lord Uhtred. Aethelflæd knocked gently on her door as she opened it, she walked up behind her with a smile.

"I'm sure Geoffrey will find you beautiful." Althea frowned at the name, the only time she met the man he claimed he would 'take her for a ride' and she's been revolted ever since.

"Of course, I'm sure my husband will enjoy my company tonight." She fought back a childish smile at the inside joke. Her sister kissed her cheek and moved to help her braid flowers into her hair. "Do you think real love exists? The kind Uhtred speaks of so often." Her sister paused for a second and placed her chin on Althea's shoulder.

"I think the people like Uhtred do get that type of love. But us? Maybe we could grow to love our husbands." She whispered.

"I fear you may loathe me soon, sister. The things I have done go against the good of the kingdom and our parent's faith. I don't want to lose you." Althea uttered quietly and turned to brush the hair from her sister's face with a bleak smile.

"I could never hate you. You're my twin, the other half of my heart and soul. And no matter where you are or what you have done, I will always love you. I will always help you." Aethelflæd said with such confidence that Althea believed her for a moment.

Soon a servant ushered them to the door of the church to be married off, the twins clutched their hands together tightly and walked down the aisle. Althea stared straight ahead with dread filling her stomach when Geoffrey gave her a lustful look. She wanted to feel Sihtric's hands on her to erase that image from her mind.

Alfred is watching his daughters with a vacant expression while Ælswith gives them an encouraging smile, Althea hates that this is the one time in her life she was given a smile from the woman. Their father walks to her sister and Aethelred and starts the ceremony while she stands with Geoffrey. The repulsive man leans down next to her with a smirk.

"I can not wait to bed you, Lady Althea. We need not attend the feast, my wife." Althea grits her teeth and moves her head away from him, she could feel the gaze of Sihtric and Steapa watching with concern. Once Alfred and Beocca turned to her she straightened up and prayed this would work out.

"Lady Althea and Lord Geoffrey, it is time for your union." Beocca conveyed as he gained their attention, Beocca gave her a small nod.

"I will not marry Lord Geoffrey." She announced, and the room went speechless immediately. Geoffrey quickly grabbed her arm and grasped it too tight, she hissed in discomfort which alerted Beocca.

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