vi. the news

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The moment Althea walked out of the hall she kneeled to the ground and vomited, she felt Skade pull her hair back as she crouched next to her. Althea wanted to shove the girl away but knew that wouldn't change anything, the blonde caressed her cheek softly.

"Fighting while with child? You are truly becoming a dane, Althea." The princess froze and turned to the seer slowly. She was pregnant? "Oh, you did not know? Twins, both boys." She said with a smirk and rubbed Althea's arm. The blonde shouted when Jackdaw and Brida pulled her away from Althea, Sihtric helped her up gently as they removed the seer.

Sihtric guided her into their room and she sighed in relief at the tub full of water awaiting her, he helped her undress and she climbed into the basin with his help. She sunk into the water as he began to wash away the blood from her skin, she turned to watch him with a soft gaze.

He was beautiful. His eyes, his smile, his heart, and his body. He was perfect and she wasn't, not anymore. She was a murderer who was bound to Uhtred's seer.

"Why have you not asked?" She whispered nervously and felt him pause for a moment.

"If you wanted me to know, you would have told me." She couldn't help but frown at him, he was hurt and maybe even angry.

"Do I disgust you now?" He glanced up at her and shook his head no with a frown.

"Never, Althea. I just wished you confided in me, instead of her." He lifted her clean hand and kissed her palm.

"It had to be her, husband. Only her. I did not want anyone else to see what I had done." She moved to lean over the tub and reached for Sihtric, he quickly grasped her hand.

"I am a dane, it is in our blood to kill."

"It does not matter now, my love. It is done, our sons are safe." She watched him as he cleaned her arm gently.

"What was the price of her help?" He questioned and moved to wash the blood from her hair.

"My soul." She sighed in relief when he washed out the blood and detangled the knots in her hair. "She also told me that I am with child, twins boys." She felt him kiss her shoulder as he moved her hair to the side, she tilted her head to allow him more space.

"Seeing you bloody and willing to kill those who harmed our children, was the most arousing sight I have ever seen." He whispered into her ear before biting it softly, she gasped and reached behind her to grip his hair roughly as one of his hands trailed down her breasts and rested on her stomach. "You have given me so many sons, I think it's time I reward you." He picked her up from the water making her startle, he laid her down on the bed and moved between her thighs. She moaned loudly at the first touch of his tongue against her cunt and arched from the pleasure.

"Finan." Beocca greets them with a smile when he approaches the table. Uhtred continues to wipe down his sword while Althea giggles quietly when Sihtric kisses her neck. She squirms in his lap and Osferth looks disgusted at seeing his half-sister practically getting groped in front of them by Sihtric.

"Father Beocca, it's good to see you." Finan says and walks to the man.

"Osferth," He turns to the couple with a nod. "Lady Althea, I apologize for what happened with your sons. There was not much we could do." He said with guilt.

"Do not worry, Beocca. With the help of the seer, we killed anyone who aided in stealing my children. If only I could add Alfred to the list." She said with a smirk and felt Sihtric grip her thighs tightly.

"Dane boy," He trails off in disapproval at the display of affection. "Looks like a rat."

"Believe me, father. He is no rat." She says and pulls her husband into a hungry kiss.

"I am Sihtric." He says innocently once she pulls away from the kiss.

"Some privacy?" The priest asks.

"Sit yourself down, father. We all need to piss." Finan says as he smacks Sihtric. Sihtric helped Althea into his back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders.

"In case, you have forgotten, my room is next to yours. I have heard things from both of you, that should never be heard." Finan said shivering in disgust making the couple laugh.

"You are just jealous, Finan. My wife would put any whore to shame." Sihtric said with a smirk and Althea laughed at Osferth's horrified look.

"Say nothing." Uhtred speaks when they return, he glanced at Althea who laid her head on Osferth's shoulder.

"I won't so much as fart in your direction, lord. I'll simply say to Sihtric here, that this great army we're supposedly gathering, can never hold." Sihtric avoids the Irishman's eyes as he looks at Uhtred.

"Agreed." Sihtric said.

"And I'll mention to Osferth that I didn't come north only to turn and march south." Finan mumbled looking at the monk solemnly.

"Nor me, Finan."

"Lord, I will follow you wherever you go, but we have friends in Wessex and men like Hæsten and Bloodhair are no better than Kjartan." Althea nudged Sihtric's thigh with her foot playfully, she grinned when he shot her a warning look.

"If the north is your home, your birthright, then why are we not looking towards Bebbanburg? Now, that is a fight we can believe in Uhtred, I am begging ya as your friend. Do not do this, we should leave this place." Finan begs and Uhtred frowns momentarily.

"And leave my brother, how can I do that?" Uhtred asked hurt.

"You must."

"I will go wherever my husband goes, lord. But I do think that this army, it will not last." She whispered with a frown. After some thought Uhtred decided to go speak with Ragnar and confront Aethelwold, the group walks into the feast hall feeling the tension in the air. Uhtred turned to look at them with a hurt look.

"I will be leaving. I will be leaving, though I will not be returning to Wessex. I am needed."

"By a princess? You're no more a dane than the priest here, you're a whore to the crown of Alfred."

"You would do this to me again?" Ragnar says heartbrokenly.

"I must."

"Yes, of course. You must. You swore an oath, you gave your word and that is about reputation and honor. What my father gave to you, I now take back. You are no longer Uhtred Ragnarsson." Uhtred attempts to fight back tears.

"Ragnar, you cannot do that, please." Thyra pleaded looking between them.

"You are no longer my brother, this was a game to you." Ragnar whispered.

"Never." Uhtred whispered.

"Go, before I kill you." Ragnar said looking at Uhtred.

"He does not leave with Skade. Ragnar, she belongs to me."

"Yes, Bloodhair. We shall make the square," Finan steps forward worriedly. "And you can fight for the witch, to the death."

"Agreed." Bloodhair speaks.

"Lord, say nothing." Finan pleads.

"Agreed, we fight."

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