xx. the birth

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Aethelflæd led the couple into her chamber, Aldhelm sat up in fear before relaxing at the sight of the princess. The man grabbed his torso as he stood when the princess ushered Sihtric to the bed with Althea.

"Watch the door, Aldhelm. No one but Uhtred and his men are to enter." Aethelflæd ordered as she grabbed some towels and the bowl of water, her friend nodded and grabbed his sword. Sihtric tried not to let it show but the increasing smell of blood was concerning.

"No, no. Not here, not now. He's going to take them from me." Althea cried out as she clutched Sihtric's arm. "Don't let him take them." Sihtric felt his heart shatter at her pained expression and pulled her close to his chest as he caressed her head.

"He would sooner die than steal our children." Sihtric promised as he kissed her sweaty forehead. Sihtric heard her release a moan of pain and grabbed the nearest pillows to prop behind her back. Sweat coated her body and blood tainted her thighs, Sihtric pushed back her wavy hair as it stuck to her face. Her eyes were scrunched in pain and soon tossed her head back in pain as she released an agonizing scream.

Aethelflaed kneeled between Althea's thighs as she ordered her sister to take a deep breath and steady her breathing. Sihtric crawled behind Althea as she relaxed against him, he was willing to give her any form of comfort he could. Sihtric wrapped his arms around her, just under her breasts, as he nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck. He kissed her shoulder as he whispered praises and reassurances.

"It hurts, Sitty." She cried out and he was beginning to fear this pregnancy, the last two were not nearly as bad as this. Sihtric grabbed one of her hands and kissed her palm softly, as she used the other to grip his arm.

"I know, beautiful. Everything will be alright, I swear it." Sihtric whispered to her and noticed the look shared between the princess and Aldhelm, his wife would not die here. He would make sure to keep his promise.

"My brave wife," Sihtric muttered against her ear fighting back his emotions. "I love you." Aethelflæd poured her sister a cup of water and Sihtric took it hastily as he gently offered it to Althea. Sihtric placed the cup on the stand beside them once she finished, he soothed her pain temporarily by rubbing her back.

"It's time sister, push." Althea's eyebrows furrowed in pain as she tightened her grip on his hand. She gazed up into Sihtric's mismatched eyes searching for something, some encouragement he realized.

"You are strong, sweetheart. You can do this," He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It's time to meet our sons." She took a deep breath and released it shakily and began to do as her sister ordered. Sihtric wasn't sure how long it took, time became nothing to him as he held his wife.

At one point, he was sure she had broken his fingers or cracked them at the very least, but he didn't care. The only pain he felt was watching his wife's face become more pained as time went on and the increase in blood between her thighs. Despite the screams of pain, she kept pushing, she was determined to birth to them, even if she didn't survive it.

Blood stained the sheets below her, following other fluids, and Aethelflæd attempted to keep her sister as clean as she could but it didn't last long. Sihtric began dabbing Althea's forehead with a cloth soaked in water to cool her down, once the head of their son was out, the rest of his body was delivered with ease.

Aethelflæd breathed out in relief when the baby cried loudly as she cleaned him of blood, Sihtric's heart swooped at the sound. Sihtric was handed the boy once Aethelflæd wrapped him in a cloth, Althea reached up weakly to caress her son's head.

"He's beautiful." She whispered with a smile.

"Of course, he is. You are his mother." Sihtric claimed with a soft smile. Their second son was delivered far quicker and soon joined his twin brother as Sihtric cradled them both in his arms.

Thankfully, Althea had only passed out from blood loss and nothing more. Sihtric wouldn't truly be alright until she woke but for now, he enjoyed holding his two beautiful sons. Aethelflæd and Aldhelm left to give the two some privacy and when Althea roused from her sleep she smiled at the sight.

The twin's brown eyes blinked slowly as they gazed up at their father, tufts of dark hair on their small heads, looking so soft to the touch despite the blood lingering. Sihtric pressed his nose against them, his eyes shutting as he held them close.

Althea tugged at Sihtric's arm gently and sighed softly when he pressed a kiss to her head, and then each of their sons. Sihtric passed their sons to her gently and he watched as his wife cradled them in her arms, he thanked his Gods quietly for not taking her from him.

Althea giggled when one of the babies reached his tiny fingers into her hair and gripped it in his small fist. Sihtric let out his laugh, one watery with emotion as he felt himself tear up. The family was soon interrupted when the princess walked in with Uhtred and his two other men. Osferth quickly walked to her side as if to assess her for any signs of injuries or worse, and she settled his worry by handing him one of her sons. Osferth held the baby with a nervous smile as he swayed the child.

"What is their names, sister?" Osferth asked in the silent room.

"The one you hold is Gimli and his brother is Grimnir." Althea answered as she leaned into her husband's chest, she had handed their other son to her sister.

Uhtred leaned down to kiss her head as he cradled her face with a proud smile and gently took the baby Osferth was handing to him.

"You did good, Althea." Uhtred praised as he smiled down at the child, they all looked to Finan who had giggled from the corner he stood in. Aethelflæd had handed the Irishman the other twin and it seemed to like his beard as he held it tightly.

"He will make a fine warrior one day." Finan teased as he wiggled his fingers in front of the baby's face.

"Mother!" Hvitserk said with relief when he and Arthur walked in, Aldhelm following close behind with an amused look.

"Shh, little one." Sihtric said as the two kids ran to Althea and pulled her into a gentle hug.

"Sorry, father. I wish to meet my siblings." Hvitserk said with a grin and softened his expression when Uhtred handed him the baby, Finan leaned down so Arthur could see their other brother.

"I will protect them both with my life, I swear it. As the eldest, I will do my duty and protect them." Hvitserk said proudly as he gazed down at his new brother. Arthur reached up and softly caressed the baby's head and smiled up at Finan when the baby gurgled and reached for his hand.

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