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Into you,Ariana Grande

"Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move"

Shameless,Camila Cabello

"There's just inches in between us,
i want you to give in"

Nuts,Lil Peep

"I can see it in your eyes, that you wanna get out"

Cry Baby,The Neighbourhood

"I know I'll fall in love with you, baby
And that's not what I wanna do"

Me staje appennenn' amò,Liberato

"M'arrevuot' 'o core
E po' te ne vaje
Amm' fatte ammore"

Les,Childish Gambino

"Baby, you're the baddest girl, and, uh
Nobody else matters
Nobody else matters girl"



I kissed a girl,Katy Perry

Lovers Rock,Tv Girl

Friends,Chase Atlantic

Moment,Vierre Cloud

Family Line,Conan Gray

Bad Idea,Girl in Red


I wanna be your Girlfriend,Girl in Red

→I wanna be your Girlfriend,Girl in Red

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