4. denial

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It's the second day that the visitor family came around. I was in deep denial, i could not be in love with a warrior. And even tho he would even have to thought of marrying me... I would have to be 18, which would take 2 more years, and i wouldn't think they would still be around then.

As i was eating my fruits on the beach looking if any pretty ocean stuff, like pearls or other things would come up.

I was basically just staring at the clear light blue waves that hit my body. I kinda loved these times for myself, just me!

I heard someone walk on sand behind me, but of coarse i didn't think much of it because a bunch of people walk here to see the wild life.

I started to quietly sing to myself, the song my biological mother sang after i was born. It's a tradition here for you.

All of the sudden a blue boy came sitting next to me, and i immediately knew who that was.

"Hello, doing something?", He asked me.
"No, just thinking.." i answered.
"That's not true, i just heard you sing. You are a natural talent" he said in a convincing voice, i've heard that before, but i know deep inside that i don't have the guts to do that.

"I've heard that, what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Ohh wow, am i not allowed?" He said, he was. "I don't know, what did your father say?" I asked. "He understood" he answered.  But the thing i was really  over about is that maybe rotxo or auonung would see me with him and tell my mother.

I signed before i said :" my brothers, my mother, they don't want me with you. You forest people. Me reef people.".
He looked me in the eyes with a understanding look, but it didn't change my mood.

"i understand you" he said a few seconds after what i said, did he really understand me?

I looked back down at the sand, when suddenly he grabbed my arm and took me under water.

Did he wanted to play? Did be wanted me to drown, did he, did he... So many thought were going thru my head the second my head was under water.

He swimmed up to a medium deep water level and said something in sign language : learn me your ways.

I sign languaged back that we had to go above water. We came up at the same time, and the first thing i noticed is that hes a bad diver. He was breathing like he just overcome a outcast tulkun.

"Breath. Come on this rock" i said while climming on the closest rock.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"You breath with fast heartbeat, slow heartbeat good." I answered with the best english i could possibly talk ever.

Within a few minutes i was teaching him how to proparly breath, and he could probably learn faster than a newborn baby talking.

"In.... And.out....in....and out......in-" i was saying before i got cut off by my brothers voice.

"You, him, again?" He said in a strict voice. "Leave us alone auonung, what do you want from me?" I said in a serious voice back.

"He is not you boyfriend and never will be-" he said as he got cut of by Neteyam, "we have nothing other but a friendship. You didn't learn anythiny from yesterday??" He said to him, i looked at him to see him with his serious SERIOUS face.

"Look out." Auonung said before he swam away. It stayed dead silent for a minute, "so they really hate me?" He asked me, "they don't hate you, they hate we have a friendship.... I can't have anything that my brothers don't want.." i just said. I had to say it, or else i just would be stuck with it forever.

He pulled me in the water by my arm again, when we were in the water diving. And fish school came swimming around us, i faced my back at him wondering the glowing tiny fishes. When all of the sudden Neteyam pulled me facing him giving me te biggest hug i've probably had my whole life.

My face was laying on his chest and with his arms holding me so i couldn't go anywhere but closer to him

Was he really hugging me?


I looked up at him but we didn't even last a milisecond having eye contact and he pulled my head back into his chest with his hand.

I was in deep deep denial still.

I could be in this position for ever, just how effectionate he had his hands over me. The way the glowing fish were still circling us, was this a sign? I didn't even think a second how mad my mother would be if she saw me like this.

Suddenly he starts making moves... Choking moves... CHOKING MOVES?

we were really deep and he was almost 2x as heavy as me. I tried pulling him as hard as i could, but he already stopped moving as i wasn't even half way thru. "Please great mother, do not do this to me, give me strength for once.." i screamed underwater.

All of the sudden i get this feeling that i could handle everything, EVERYTHING. I immediately started swimming way faster, and before i knew i was above the water.

I called my ilu as soon i was above, i put Neteyam behind me laying on my back. "MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER!" i shouted as loud as i could. She looked around the corner of our home tent, with a angry, confusion, what kind of relation are you having with this boy, how did you find him kind of face.

I knew i was sort of in trouble atleast, i had to come up with a lie, just this once.

My parents helped me with dragged him of my ilu and laying him on tent floor, my dad immediately went to his parents to inform them about what is happening right now.

"What were you doing with him?!" My mother asked strictly, i quickly had to made up a lie. But i am a bad liar.

"Nothing mother, i-i promise!" I stuttered, my mother looked at me with a deep blank stare, she knew that i was lying, she knew it. But she also knew she was loved by a other family, and she knew what it would feel like losing a son.

She quickly searched for the stuff she needed to do a ritual on Neteyam, i always was so interested how she did that. So when it wasn't someone i didn't knew, i would atleast look around the cornor to see what would happen.

Halfway thru the ritual i brushed my hand thru his braids. I took a good look at his accessories, he had done his dream hunt, i always admired the dream hunt, but i would had to wait, what my father always said.

"neteyam my poor child!" Neytiri came running in our home tent, i moved to the side to make space for them.

"Please, is he going to be ok??!!" Neytiri asked my mother. "Be quiet, concentration is needed here." I answered for her. Neytiri looked at me and did a small nod saying she understood.

Neteyam came sitting up and coughing up water, "oh great mother thank you so so much!" Neytiri said.
His father and kiri and tuk came walking in to just in time. Signing with relieve.

Neteyam looked at me, like he knew something.. "thank you for saving me.. y/n and Ronal.." he said, i kinda understood.
"Take rest, Neteyam." My mother said, his parents thanked my mother except me.

It was weird because i also saved him?

Or did i drown him?

Maybe it was indeed my fault, i shouldn't have brought him that deep without him learning how to breath proparly.

Neteyam and his family walked out our home tent, and right before he walked out, he took a good look at me again.

I signed and looked down, i knew my mother was going to say something.

"That boy." She said.
"Listen mother i am sorry, i brought him deep down without teaching him. I am so sorry mother." I immediately said.
"That's not the subject, that boy. You have something with him." She said.
Well, i don't have a relation with him. But a spark??
"Yes, a friendship.." i answered.
"A spark" she said.
I made eye contact with her, she knew,

she really knew.

The Story Of Us. Neteyam x y/n!!Where stories live. Discover now