9. adventure

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That night flew by like a ikran on his fastest.

Kiri came to my home tent to invite me and my brothers and sister to go have a talk. Of coarse we all approved to that, we could use some fun in our lives, right?

My sibling, kiri and her brothers went sitting in a circel on the beach. "Oh, what now? Do you wanne fight again?" Auonung asked lo'ak.
"Why did you bring that skxawng?" Lo'ak asked kiri, "i don't know, just try making some friendships instead of fighting?" Kiri said.
"You know EXACTLY what happened yeste-"... Lo'ak couldn't finish his sentence when both Neteyam and tsireya interupped him by saying "just sit down lo'ak".

When we all sat down and FINALLY had peace under eachother lo'ak took a deep breath. "So why we here?" I asked him.
"Something happened yesterday when i got lost.." he said, "well..???" Neteyam said.

"Ok first when i caught a fish i looked back, but of coarse some moron had to leave me all by my own there, then suddenly a very big fish came attacking me, i swam really fast and just when he was about to eat me, and even bigger fish came! He bit him and then i lost my vision since i was out of breath. THEN i woke up on a rock what i first thought, but it was actually the tulkun that bit that other shark! I thanked him and he was so... Nice? We became friends, but what i did see is that he had a missing fin. Do you guys know what did animal was?"

Tsireya and me looked at eachother both knowing what he was talking about..

"What did you say about the tulkun?" Tsireya asked him, "huh, tulkun?" He said confused. "Yes, what he miss" i asked, "oh yeah! A fin on his left!".

"Payakan..." I signed, "he is a outcast, he is a killer and very dangerous!" Tsireya explained for me.

"No! Guys he literally saved my life!" He convinced us.
"No he's a killer, be carefull next time" i said and stood up.
"I have things to do, goodluck convincing my dad" i said while i walked away.

"Y/n wait up!" Neteyam said and ran up to me, "you still have to learn me and show me places, you promised me that? Right?" He asked me, "i. Don't. Understand. You!" I replied to him in a annoyed voice.
"YOU STILL HAVE TO LEARN ME AND SHOW ME PLACES, RIGHT?" He shouted at me. I've always had trouble holding my tears back when anyone yelled at me, i don't know how since i don't really have a trauma or anything.
"no anymore now!" I said while holding and sniffing my tears back.

Neteyam looked at the group, who were clearly looking at us since they heard neteyam VERY clearly.

He held my shoulders "y/n i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell". "I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I yelled back at him.
"Well maybe if i had the chance to teach you." He whispered to himself.

He grabbed my arm and walked me up to the big root trees. Some villigers were looking at us? "Is that the chief's daughter?" I heard someone say.

"Let me go, idiot." I said quietly still sniffing my tears away, when we were deeper in the roots of the forest he sat me down on my knees.
"Y/n, listen. I never meant it truly to yell at you, i am truly sorry. Are you ok? Y/n?" He asked.
"I hate you asshole" i said while looking down.
Neteyam knew i didn't truly mean that.
Neteyam also sat on his knees and pulled my chin up to make us have eye contact,
"I know you don't, wipe away those tears, i hate seeing you like this beautiful princes." He said in english, "what?" I said while showing obvious confusion.

"If you let me learn you english, you would understand?" He said, "okay, start from now." I said.

"And the places?" He asked me nicely.
"Only because you asked nicely." I said while wiping the last tears away.

I stood up, fixing my clothes and wiping the dirt of my knees away.

"Come." I said and walked away.
"You mostly don't say it in that way, it is follow me." He corrected me while standing up and walking with me.
"Fo-lo-woe?" I tried saying,
"Fo-lo-oe", neteyam said,
"No you say folowoe" i said while walking him to a special place,
"It is no you didn't say that, you said follow."
I rolled my eyes but secretly liked how he teached me. I tried not acting like i didn't like his jokes on the way, but as i said i am a bad lair... Here and there i let out a little giggle.

I led him to the first place, it was the view above the ocean, village, and the 3 brother rocks, everything you could see from here.

"We.. are... Here.." i tried saying in english, "it is we have arriv-..." He wanted to correct me but got distracted by the beauty.
"It is?" I asked him,
"Beautiful...." He said while looking with his mouth open.
We both laughed as we realized how his face looked. Hilarious obviously!

I grabbed his arm and walked him down the hill ready to show him more places,
"Fo-low me neteyam!" I said.

I showed him each special place we had, every single one that my special clan caused to be special.

But i spaired one VERY special place for the last, "best for last" i said, auonung always says that.
"We go underwater for this, ready?" I said while we slowly walked deeper into the water, eclips was almost happening and this was the best time to be there.
"Remember to breath good, i with you for help, no panic!" I said hoping that this time he wouldn't drown.

"Ok, you are with me the whole time?" He said to make sure, "yes, neteyam, now go, it is time!" I said in a hurry.

And there it was, our most sacred place where we can connect with eywa.
"What is this?" Neteyam signed to me in sign language. I explained to him that here is the place to connect with eywa,
And that i will be on the watch if he decides to connect braids with our sacred water tree.

He nodded and i gave him a slight smile,
I watched him swim closer to the tree.
It only took around a few seconds when Neteyam decided to disconnect his braid,
"Let's go above water" i spoke in sign language.

We swam together to the last light the eclips gave us.

"How it go??" I said in a excites mood, "good!! Good! Pretty girl- PRETTY GOOD!!" he said in a nervous tone, "are you nervous?" I asked him.

I tried translating what he said, pretty means..... Beautiful. Girl means woman.
Beautiful wom-
"It was amazing, more places?" Neteyam asked me while i was thinking really really hard, "no more places, it is eclips, i go home now!" I said.
"Already? Come on, let's just swim for a little longer?" Neteyam asked me while holding my arm, i rolled my eyes and slightly smiled. "Ok, a little longer.." i said, we laughed as we swim with our ilu's.

But after a long day, we both said goodnight to eachother and went to sleep.

(YALL I JUST FOUND OUT ROTXO ISN'T AUONUNG AND TSIREYA'S SIBLING? i'm sorry i misunderstood! I hope yall can still kinda imagine that he is just a really really close friend to the family and is just always around. ALSO, i wanted to thank the 12 people who read this till now, and i promise more chapters will be there soon! Thank you so much for understanding :)))

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