20. the truth

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I walked out the tent, just when i saw looked at the beach..i saw neteyam smiling at me being absolutely so happy for me.
But the worst thing i ever had to admit was coming closer and closer.

I slowly heard the music making it's way louder and louder, people already celebrating their new tsahik.
"They like you already. You are ready, my beautiful daughter." My mother said while putting my hair behind my ear.
"I know mother.." i answered proudly.
As we climbed down i saw neteyam coming my way, "hey.." he said as if he was shy. "Be there in 5 minutes, no longer!" My father said as he walkee past us, "hi.." i answered back.
"So you are tsahik now?" He asked me, "yes... I finally am.."

A slight supporting smile came appearing on his face, "i am so happy for you!." He said and pulled me in for a hug.
Just his scent made me feel so.. protected? But even tho i could stay in this position for hours with him, i knew the worse had to come.
He pulled away and held my face with his hands, "what do you want to do about it?" He asked me. He knew exactly what i was so worried about, "i want you, but i also want to be tsahik. And i cannot lie about it anymore now.." i said.
"I asked what do you want to do about it?" He said.

"I want to see their faces when i say we are mated.." i answered and we both giggled about it.
"Then let's do that!" He said and held my hand just when we were about to walk around the corner of the tent the people were partying.

Suddenly a bunch of confidence came into my body, i knew eywa had a plan for us. The others just had to accept it.

I walked infront of neteyam, so ready to say it out loud.
"What is this?" My mother asked with a confused look on her face, "i cannot mate with auonung, i am mated with neteyam for life." I said.

"How long is this secret?" Father asked in a strict voice. "5 days sir." Neteyam answered for me, in the cornor of my eye i saw the sully family playing shocked, they obvious knew we were mated. But they had to go with us.

"Mother. Y/n was promised to me! This cannot happen, these new people... Distroy everything! EVERYTHING!" Auonung shouted.

"You are just spoiled!.. like a baby. I know your plan, and i will not let it happen." I answered him while i looked at him dead in the eyes.

My mother took a deep breath in and out.
"Well.. you are tsahik now. I cannot tell you otherwise anymore." She said.

The people were whispering to eachother for what was going on, but i could not understand a thing right now.
"Look brother.. i understand you are ma-" neteyam tried to explain but could not finish his sentence because..
"I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER!" He shouted and attacked neteyam, but neteyam reacted quickly and threw him off himself.

Very fast the people around us started to panic. "Son, you do not have to do this, accept it!" Father said while holding him back.

"I challenge you." Were the words i would have never ever wanted to come out of auonung's mouth, but yet. I still heard it.
"Do not accept!! He wants to kill you!! Do not accept neteyam! Please!" I said in panic to neteyam,
"If it is the only way to set his mind straight." He answered. "Neteyam! Please!" I said while standing in front of him, "son. Do not dare to do this!" His father shouted at him in the back.
But he of course did not listen to all of us.

"I accept." Were his last words before walking away from me and going in for the fight.

"Neteyam!" I shouted, but somebody held me back..
"Please be calm, it is probably just a fight, they have had it before!" Kiri tried to comfort me..
"No!! He wants to kill him!" I said in a panic with tears almost on the edge of dropping on my cheeks.

Two men from the crowd threw big spears one for each of them.
They both grabbed it, auonung was aggressive but neteyam was defensive.
Neteyam was a trained warrior so i had most hope on him since auonung is the one who is still in training.
The crowd began shouted to support auonung in the fight and i just wanted to stop it all.

The man who i loved was fighting for me.

Neteyam suddenly threw him so hard across the tent everyone went quiet.. did he actually win?

"Auonung. I do not want to fight. Please calm down." Neteyam said and threw the spear away from him with his hands in the air. Auonung was badly injured, for the first time i really did kinda feel bad for him.

The fight was over and my beloved mate won.

The people quickly ran up to auonung to get him up and help him with his injuries, neteyam looked behind him my way.

I could see the faces of his parents even behind my back, i knew they were disappointed in his son, but also so proud he came up for his mate.
I ran as fast as i could to him, giving him the most tightest hug i could give him.
His family came running up to him also, "are you ok neteyam??" His mom asked him worried.
"Yes mother, i am ok.. just small bleeding.." he said to comfort his mother.

"I am so happy you are okay! Do not scare me like this ever ever again!" I said while crying it all out in his shoulder, "oh i promise i won't do that ever again.." he said and layed his hand on the back of my head running thru my accecories that were meant to represent that i am the tsahik now. But i do have to be honest with myself... This shit is harder than i expected and i am not even tsahik for a whole day.

Helloooo!! This chapter took me alot of thinking overnight! And i do have to say that i am kinda proud of myself?!
Anyways, i am thinking about writing one-shots OR a second book about this book, because i do not want TO MANY chapters in this book. I was thinking that the second book will be when y/n and neteyam are older and have more adventures together in all sort of ways.
But it is up to you guys! You all supported and motivated me thru writing this book and if you want to continue this story?..you say, i command!
I still cannot thank you enough for all the support for me as a new writer.

But, remember! If you all want more, you do have to leave a comment on this chapter so i can read it!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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